Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Reluctant Uncle

Neville doesn’t like other cats. He doesn’t dislike them; he has tolerated the other perma-cats quite well. Those who spend a long time in the Cosy Apartment learn that the Nevsky has no interest in them, and they leave him alone. Renn and he acknowledge each other, like two old men who nod a greeting when they pass one another in the corridors of a retirement home, but they don’t associate with each other. Nev and Imogen are each happy to ignore the other’s presence.

The relative newcomers are different. They are young – even Brazil isn’t long past kittenhood – and they are eager at least to meet other felines; if they cannot make friends with them, they at least want to know them. So it is with Neville. He won’t play with the youngsters, tries to avoid them when he can, and even grumbles (I can’t really call it a growl) and moves away when they are near.

But sometimes, as one grows older, it is easier just to put up with inconvenience, rather than go to so much trouble that one causes even more inconvenience. Thus, Neville seems slowly to be taking on the persona of the reluctant uncle. You know the one: he sits in his chair while the visiting children clamber over him; he doesn’t leave because it’s his chair and he’ll stay there, no matter what. The children will try to put a funny hat on his head so many times, it’s less bother to leave it on than keep taking it off. When the kids at last leave, he can lie back and snooze, enjoying the peace.

Many families have a reluctant uncle. Neville appears to be ours.


  1. I am sure Nev isn't the type to be flattered by anything, but he should be flattered that they want his company. Yes, he is definitely the reluctant uncle!

  2. That is such a good description of an uncle. I guess cats are just like us, really, and from a Buddhist perspective, they are just as sentient. It does make sense one will become a surrogate grumpy old uncle.

  3. Poor old Nev. I hope he senses that the young 'uns just want to be friendly.

    1. Me too. I think John voiced it wonderfully well! How each of them feel.

    2. Neville, I hadn't any idea that you got on the bed too!

  4. Aw, Neville, you carry your "cross" with grace, as befits an elder statesman. 🙂❤️

  5. Poor Nev. It's so sweet of him to put up with the youngsters. But judging from the photos, he really doesn't mind their attention. I guess his bark (err - meow) is worse than his bite.

  6. Way to go, Nevsky!
    Cannot wait to see you with a paper hat on your noggin.

  7. Uncle Neville is such a sweetie. Sometimes younger ones are accepted more easily.

  8. Neville, you hang in there. Not every day will you have to share close quarters.

  9. What a great way to describe - and pay tribute - to Neville.

  10. Awww even Nev appreciates a bit of kitten warmth.

  11. Those images are sweet and so priceless!! Bravo, Neville, you are a good Uncle, if reluctant, then so be it!

  12. Neville....Your a you to bits...! :).
    Your a leader of men...well..pussy~cats
    then...HeHe! Bless!x

  13. You're such a good cat Neville. Those kittens can sure be pests - Saku used to be one of those too.
