Thursday, April 18, 2024

And On the Other Side of the World...

 Apparently, my book is going for 15 per cent off in Korea... (Click on the image to enlarge.)


  1. Seems generous of them, I guess.

    1. It doesn’t affect the amount I receive in royalties, I think, since the Korean book-seller still needs to order it from KDP, which isn’t going to change their price to suit a book-seller. In fact, I think book-sellers should give them away; I’d make the same amount…

  2. That's a steal! 😁

    But seriously, I didn't realize that your book was being sold beyond North American markets, so this is pretty neat, IMO.

    1. I have no idea why it is being sold in Korea. As well, according to, a single American bookshop - California Books, in Florida (yes, really) - is also offering it. I think someone there must have seen it, somehow, thought it would sell there and put it on their stock-list. They would still need to order it printed, which would be no different than a private individual ordering, which means, presumably, I would receive my share of the price. The shop is offering it at a price that would bring them a profit, even so. As far as I can tell, no one has ordered it through those book-sellers.

  3. Damn, what a surprise for you, I wonder how many over there want the book

  4. Wow!! Pretty soon your book will be offered everywhere. That's great news!

  5. HeHe! Would that be North Korea or South Korea...! :).
    Has some poor little Korean, been sitting there translating
    the whole text...
    Anyways...I'm keeping my there..! :O).

  6. That is good news that your book is available in other parts of the world.

  7. This is great news for a new and rising author! And now you can afford to buy even more cat food and supplies, lol.

  8. I was wondering if you would know where and how many of your books were sold in various countries. I very much enjoyed the reading of it so I'm not surprised to hear it is being sold outside of Canada.

  9. I am very pleased for you! The more exposure the better!
