Saturday, April 27, 2024

His Reluctant Progress

Iago is making progress, whether he wants to or not. I am leaving the library door open all the time when I am home and awake, though I close it for meals, so my little Venetian villain will have some peace. Last night, late, near bedtime, he came out and explored. Brazil, who has been the most curious about the newcomer, hissed at him from about six feet of distance. Iago hissed back. But Shimmer’s response to Iago’s presence has been one of interest rather than aggression or intimidation. So far, none of the perma-cats have been bothering the new boy overly much.

I try to give Iago lap-time before bed each evening. Until last night, he had to be on the carpeted bookcase under the window, or on Min’s cat-tree, before descending to my lap. Last night, he was on the floor in the corner, behind a bookcase (the lowest shelf now divested of books), but nonetheless came up to sit on me when I settled myself on the couch. He enjoys it enough to purr the entire time and drool excessively. And then he hisses at me when I leave.


  1. It seems Iago is making progress slowly but surely, and he especially enjoys the time he spends with you.

  2. That is progress sweet one, keep it up!

  3. It sounds like things are progressing fairly well. Brazil taking an interest but not starting a fight is a very good thing.

  4. He's doing well, though I admit I laughed at the departing hiss!

  5. He'd rather be on you..hence the hissing when you leave. He'll get there. He just has to be sure he can. As Ruby Rose said...he will.

  6. What a cat! He clearly wants the cuddles, but on his terms.

  7. "And then he hisses at me when I leave." Well, you have to know your place...

  8. dppd...may bee ewe shuld tell dad what HIZZ meenz in purrson speech :) !! ♥♥

  9. The last sentence made me laugh! I like the way he is peering from the side of the door to see what is going on.

  10. Slow progress is better then no progress

  11. Long time ago one of my cousins had some friendly cats that jumped on my lap when we were visiting there...and the boy cat hissed me when I stood up to leave...and wouldn't even let me pet him a goodbye, LOL!! I had no idea cats could hold a grudge!

    Iago, you keep up the time with your 'Dad' and soon enough everything else will fall into place.
