Thursday, April 11, 2024

Iago in the Open

Iago is spending most of his time out in the open now, while he seems to feel most secure up on Minuet’s cat-tree. He lets me stroke his head and back, though I can’t tell if he enjoys it at this stage.

He is eating well, too, though some time last night, he regurgitated his food. I had been feeding him Fancy Feast, which he ate readily enough, and then moved him onto Merrick chicken. This  change may have precipitated the vomiting. While the Fancy Feast varieties have chicken, the processing may be different. I will revert to a less risky food for the time being, then try again with the Merrick, to determine if it is that which caused his upchucking. It may have been caused by any number of things.

Iago will visit the doctor next week, and then I will start to integrate him. So far, he is taking things well, and is adapting successfully to his new surroundings.


  1. Hope he gets a clean bill of health. He is looking content for sure.

  2. I hope the vet visit goes well. By the way, I've been wondering--what inspired the choice of his villainously Shakespearean name?

    1. I prefer unusual names for cats; it allows them to stand out a bit more and be remembered when people are looking for adoptables. And the villains are often more memorable than the heroes or supporting characters. Who recalls Cassio, after all?

  3. Madame Minuet would be pleased to know she provided a place of rest for Iago. Iago should be snapped up quickly I would imagine. I hope the visit goes very well.

  4. dood !!! a week late anda can oh cod short eye am.. in saying welcome two de cosy apart mint :) ewe bee one handsum kitteh !! pawz crozzed ewe settlez in and that ewe findz yur foreverz home :) ♥♥♥ N mite eye recommend ~~~~ fresh trout ;)

  5. Iago is such a cutie; he's young enough to learn all new ways to be a cat at your place!

  6. He looks to be settling in well! I hope he checks out just fine at the vet.

  7. Dearest John,
    Sounds all hopeful and aside from regurgitated his food, things went very well.
    Good luck with the vet visit.
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. I hope Iago gets a clean bill of health at the vet next week. Please keep us posted. He's such a cutie and it looks like he's already claimed the cat tree for his own.

  9. He really is a handsome dude and he looks pretty happy!
