Tuesday, April 23, 2024

He Is Old

He is old. He sleeps most of the time, perhaps dreaming of nimbler days. He moves slowly and he can’t walk properly anymore. He stumbles now and then. He is thin, very thin. When he lies on his side, he looks flat. His once powerful body is no more than two inches wide, without the fur, and his formerly large features have shrunk and grown gaunt. His spine is so prominent and unpadded, it could slice bread. He is constantly assailed by clogged nostrils and often wheezes, just to breath. He must visit the litter-box too frequently, and take medicine to keep from visiting more. He periodically brings up his food because of his ailments, and he has less appetite than in years gone by; he doesn’t eat much even of what he likes. He is old.

But he sits up when meals are served, and enjoys the taste of a favourite dish. He walks, albeit slowly and cautiously, to the water-bowls, and doesn’t miss the litter-box, though now and then he brings bits of debris with him when he leaves. When his human sits near by, he rises from where he is lying and laboriously lumbers over to where he is nearer still. And at night, he assumes his preferred place on the bed, next to his person. The two of them talk about their day, and he purrs.

He is old, but he will grow a little older ere he leaves. He is old, and suffers discomfort but no pain. There is still satisfaction in his life, the delight of a soft blanket, the warmth of a gentle heating pad. There is something to be seen through the window, from the perch of his favourite vantage point; it almost frightens him to try climbing there now, but the view is worth it. And there is his friend, the human, who always has time for him.

He is old, but yet still too young to leave.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to Renn. Renn is the last of the original cats you had when I first started reading your blog many years ago, so he has always had a special place in my heart. Renn, you may be up in years, but may you be with us for a long while to come.

  2. This is beautiful <3 Getting old is rough. Watching our fuzzies age is often heartbreaking. But, he still finds joy in his life. You will know when he's done, and he's not done yet! Give him a hug from us, please.

  3. Awww, that was a beautiful and touching read. Brought me a lump to swallow...
    Hang in there Renn!!

  4. It is hard to watch our beloved cats age, but as long as he is not in pain and still enjoys the simpler things in life then he is as you say, still too young to leave.

  5. I have to be honest here...as l always am in life...
    This is 'not' a a very pleasant post to wake up to...
    I know! I know! It's a fact of life, and death, and
    comes to 'ALL' of us at some stage...! Sad...! :(

    And...Yes! I'm an older very emotional Sicilian,
    it's often remarked that l'm different than the rest...
    Even medically told...I'm Unique, Special and Different..!
    And....Yes! Animals have had more meaning in my life
    than humans...Why? I don't know...! Especially pussy~cats,
    l've always engaged well with cats, and they have always
    engaged well with me...As l always say.."I love'em to bits".

    And Renn...Listen...Yer 'NOT' old...just elderly...God bless
    you mate, hang in there, and you've got the bestest human
    to look after you...Lot's of love from an 'elderly' Sicilian...! :O)x

  6. Mr Renn you keep being happy. Slow is ok with me too.

  7. Renn has enjoyed a long life with you and I hope that he has a few more years left. Unfortunately old age creeps up fast on our pets. We outlive them by so many decades, sometimes it's kind of sad.

  8. It will be a sad day indeed when Renn is ready to leave this plane of existence. I'm glad he's still having more good days than bad, and that he has you to care for him. Please give him a cuddle from me and tell him I love him from afar. ❤️

  9. The love for Renn shines with such brilliance that I feel the warmth all the way here. Renn is completely certain that his friend is very near and always will be. The surety of that comforts him.

  10. ewe iz for ever young Renn πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’š

  11. Sweet Renn. I've mentioned before that he reminds me so much of my Mac. May he still have many contented years with you.

  12. Renn is so sweet and still happy, that's a really good thing.

  13. I hope he will be with you for a long time.

  14. Growing old is never nice doesn't matter if you are human or animal

  15. I remember well those days with Sasha before he left us. Like Renn, he lost muscle tone and became so thin. He still enjoyed his meals, brought to him where he lay on the couch, and he always made it to the litter box. It was only when he no longer wanted food nor drink, that I recognized he was readying himself to leave this world. Enjoy those evening chats and his need to chat while you can.
