Friday, October 18, 2024

Meanwhile, Back at The Cosy Apartment...

The good news continues from Sable’s temporary abode: she took a poop in her litterbox. Hopefully, all of this progress won’t receive too much of a set-back when she comes to live with me, in just over a week’s time. Considering how quickly she’s moved along so far, I think she will do well.

Turning to another new cat, Moxy’s progress has been good, also. He still is confined to the library at night, but during most of the day, he is free to roam. And he does. He has been in all the rooms of the apartment, visited the litterboxes in the store-room and met all the cats. He has behaved very well with them, acknowledging their presence, but not trying to interact with them. Neville is resigned to being sniffed by another strange cat; Imogen and Indigo have of course warned him off, while Brazil growls lowly at him but nonetheless tolerates his proximity.

Mox still cries loudly at times, especially when staring out the windows, but this behaviour is diminishing. He is quiet at night. The only real problem is that he does want to go outside and cannot be trusted with open windows. He will try to force himself between the glass pane and the screen in an effort to get out, and will undoubtedly burst the screen with his strength and bulk, if given the opportunity. Moreover, if the window is open just wide enough for his paw, he is able to push and/or pull it open. The window in the library is different, as he cannot position himself to obtain the leverage he can at other windows.

With care, he will be prevented from escaping, and, I suspect, this behaviour too will vanish. He likes most aspects of being an insider-cat, I can tell; the regular meals are appealing, he likes the company, and, come the very cold weather, will enjoy the warmth and comfort. He will make a fine inside-only feline.


  1. Things are looking wonderfully well! I am so glad for you!!! And for them. I am anxious for you to be in your new Cozy Cabin and see what the future brings!

  2. Good news for Moxie! Our Stanley was an outside cat when he was young and still tries to get outdoors on occasion. I'm sure Moxie will settle in soon, and be a happy indoor cat.

  3. Most cats seem pleased with the unlimited indoor food and comfy napping spots. :)

  4. Excellent news about Sable and Moxie...and the others as well. No fur-flying dust-ups.

  5. Things are really going well, hooray for those cooperative sweeties.

  6. What great news regarding Sable and Moxie. It may take time, but I'm sure Moxie will eventually adjust to being an indoor cat.

  7. I am glad everything is going well with Sable and Moxy. Hopefully he will give up ideas of the outdoor life with time and getting the home comforts. Sable already knows you so should settle in well when you move.

  8. It seems both Sable and Moxy are making great progress. Maybe there will be a way to have a small catio at the house, or even just a few windows with the heavier pet proof screening that claws can't shred. 🙂

  9. Indoor outdoor cats always want that bit of freedom to roam. Moxy will soon enjoy the new Cosy Cabin.

  10. Mox is quite the handsome fellow, too. I bet that winter will make him grateful to be an indoor-only cat.
