Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Unrested

This is Moxy. Moxy is not happy. Moxy was not happy all night.

Moxy belonged to a former resident of my apartment building. Along with most of the tenants, he moved out. His cats were inside/outside. I and a friend were able to catch two of them, and they are with my erstwhile neighbour in his new home; one is still missing, and the fourth is Moxy. The man doesn’t really want Moxy, and was reluctant to take him. So Moxy is staying with me until he finds a foster-home or is adopted.

One of the problems Moxy’s owner had was that Moxy was wetting outside the litter-box. During the short period he had to stay in a room in the former owner’s empty apartment, he used the litter-box provided. He initially wet in an empty litter-box, which was a good compromise, I think. I took what he had left there and dribbled it into the litter of the box he was meant to use. Since then, and continuing into the Cosy Apartment, Moxy has been hitting the right target each time, even pooping there, and this with litter with which he was unfamiliar. The other problem Moxy allegedly had was that he was beating up on his feline roommates. How he really behaves among other beasts is yet to be determined.

He is actually a very friendly fellow. He knew me for less than a day - and I was the person responsible for trapping him at that - and was already rubbing up against me and asking for pets. He was easier to get into a carrier than most of may own cats. He clearly was someone’s cat before he was lost or abandoned, and ended up an outside/inside cat with my neighbour. His new restriction of habitat was probably the reason for him crying continuously - not just continually - all night. He also destroyed the blinds in the library: actually tore the metal strips into pieces. But he used the litter-box…

Meanwhile, Indigo is dispossessed of the library. She no longer needs it as a safe-room, but likely feels annoyed at being kept out. At three o’clock, she climbed to the top of the kitchen cabinets and started knocking off the recyclable jugs and bottles stored there. Fortunately, I’d been awake for four hours anyway, so this did not trouble me…

My efforts to capture Moxy’s missing sister have met with failure. I caught two more raccoons last night. They were evidently more frightened than their brother whom I caught the previous night, for they crapped all over the traps. I will be spending my evening cleaning them. The traps, I mean. The raccoons are on their own.

And I’m still moving.


  1. John, what a time of it, Of course you are handling it well...I expect nothing less than that. The cats pretty much are as well. Not Moxy yet, but he will learn. I sincerely wish you had more volunteer help. But perhaps you have more than I am aware of. I hope so.

  2. Do you have your hands full or what. Nice that Moxy has been rescued from outside and hope the others too. But then your ferals are also waiting somewhere for the same if you get the trap clean.

  3. I'm standing at the bus stop reading this, and forgive me, laughing out loud.

    I'm glad Moxy is actually a friendly soul, he certainly appears to have A LOT to say!

    I do hope you have a quieter night with, you know, actual sleep for all.

  4. Oh, my, you have a lot on your plate right now! But I am so happy you are able to give gorgeous Moxy a safe place to wait for a forever home. Good luck with the rescue of Moxy's sister. Good luck with packing! And good, good luck getting some sleep!

  5. I guess God decided that moving just wasn't enough excitement for your life. Poor Moxy, this must all be very confusing for him.

  6. You definitely got a 'HA!' outta me!
    Purring that the missing cat is found very soon.

  7. Things must be confusing to animals at times I hope you find the missing cat

  8. Hello Moxy! I hope all works out purrfectly for you sweet one.

  9. I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for - you or Moxy. Hopefully he will calm down soon and things will return to normal, ( if there is such a thing!) I also hope you'll soon be able to capture Moxy's sister. (I'm sure the raccoons hope you'll soon capture Moxy's sister too!)

  10. I hope you can catch his sister. Sounds like this guy would do well as an only cat for someone.

  11. Gosh such a trial for everyone, I hope you can catch Moxy's sister soon xoxo Little Miss Titch

  12. I hope Moxy quietens down and allows you to sleep, and that you can trap his sister. I hope for your sake that you don't trap the raccoons again or it will be an endless circle of cleaning traps.
