Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Change in the Air

There always seems to be a day of the year, usually in late August or early September, which heralds the coming autumn. It is never in autumn; it is always before that. While still summer, there is something about the day that feels autumnal.

That day was today. It may have been the wind. The wind was not strong – especially for this part of the world – nor was it even cool. It may have been the sky, but the sky was sharply blue. It may have been the sun, but the sun was strong, and the temperatures high, though not hot. It therefore couldn’t have been any of those factors. Yet it still felt like autumn was coming. Until today, each day looked back to summer. Now, each day will look ahead to autumn.

It seems to make little difference to the beasts here. But with each passing day, they will snuggle in a little more, seek out the snug spots, and snooze a little more deeply, and the Cosy Apartment will become a little cosier.


  1. We've had a few cool days here with temperatures in the 70's, but it is supposed to go back up into the upper 80's this weekend. I don't know what my cats thought about the cooler temperatures, but not being a fan of hot weather, I loved it.

  2. Our summer has been mostly very cool, wet and misty with a few warm days thrown in. I think a change to true autumnal feel will help us know which season we are actually in!

  3. We had a day yesterday that felt like spring, it was warm and the sun shone all day, and my jacket stayed in my bag all day. The seasons are swapping for us both.

  4. We've had some cool days too, but I'm enjoying the return to warmer temps. Fall is lovely, but it leads to my least favourite season, gray, dreary winter. On the bright side, we're one day closer to Spring again!

  5. We share this some observance, almost word for word and certainly by experience. That day will come any tome now. I love when it happens! I am glad someone else knows this feeling.

  6. It's been really nice here but the hots are coming back next week.

  7. We've had cold enough morns last week to use the furnace for an hour or two. But now we are to be 95! Humid! I thought the dog days of summer were over but they are back even up here in Ohio.

  8. guyz....itz still hotter N ewe noe wear that soundz like swell heer....twooz day we bee lookin at a feelz like temper a chure oh mor than 100 !!! YEOW !!!

  9. Here we are having hot days, cold days, wet days and back to hot days so frustrating at times

  10. That reminds me of a quote from Sylvia Plath: “August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.”

    1. Yes, exactly. Those rainy days: curtains between seasons...
