Thursday, August 15, 2024

Double Vet Visit

Both Tempo and Indigo went to the veterinary hospital yesterday. Temps went for her booster shots, while Indie gave some blood for a fructosamine test. This shows the blood-glucose levels in the blood for the previous two weeks, thus obviating the need for a curve to be performed. Though I managed to poke Indigo’s ear once, I don’t think trying to do it seven or eight times over the course of a day would have met with success. This way, the effects of her current dosage of insulin will be clear, and future dosages may be determined.

The way the cats behaved during and after the veterinary visit was interesting. Indigo was unnerved and wanted merely to get back into her carrier and be taken away. After she returned home, she hid under the bed several times for a couple of minutes each time. This was unusual, since she has only recently started going into the bedroom at all (though last night she was on the bed again, briefly). After that, she was fine.

Tempo, on the other hand, was purring and curious throughout her appointment. Her tail was straight up all the time, and she explored everything. When she came home, she was untroubled. I think she is now bolstered in her confidence by a stable home environment.

That should be an end to veterinary visits for a while. I’m grateful for that, and I know the beasts certainly are.


  1. May that be the last of vet visits for a *long* while.

  2. Hope you get a long break from going to the vet.

  3. It's good they didn't get upset while visiting the vet

  4. Such interesting reactions from both of them.

  5. It sounds like both cats did well at the vet. When will you get the results of Indie's fructosamine test? Will her dose of insulin need to be adjusted?

    1. I will likely know tomorrow, and I suspect her dosage may go up one unit.

  6. OH OH OH! LOOK at those beautiful babies! And a Tuxie there as well as a Tortie. Just refreshed my memory as I smiled at thinking of Robin when I saw Indigo and fell for Temp right away anyway. Reminded me, both girls, of my girls.

  7. That was good news that Tempo reacted so well to her vet visit. I am glad Indigo soon got over her nervousness too.

  8. I'm glad it went well for them both. Keep us posted on Indigo's test results, if you can.

  9. Two cat carriers...hard to wrangle!

  10. Love that photo of Indigo's white hind leg. Glad she finally relaxed once home for a while.

  11. Here's hoping the test results are good.
    Glad they both are happily at home again.
