Thursday, August 8, 2024

Her Expanding World

Indigo continues her progress. She surprised me Tuesday night. After I had gone to bed, I felt another cat climb up at my feet. Imogen growled, and I thought it might be Tempo, but this one was too light, and Imo doesn’t growl at Temps as much as she does at the others. When I looked, I could tell by the patterns on her fur, even in the darkness, that it was Indie. She eventually made her way up to lie next to me, opposite to Imogen, where she purred for about fifteen minutes before leaving. This was the first time she has done that.

I was disappointed that she didn’t repeat the performance last night. I think it would help with her integration with the other cats, as well, as Miss Silky eventually stopped growling and lie, perhaps not entirely easily, but quietly, after a while.

In the meantime, Indigo’s new routine is to join me and the other beasts in the dining area while I prepare their meals. She spends her time impatiently wailing.

And then there is this, from last evening, what Katie Isabella would call monorailing…


  1. Hey, that's great progress! I hope she'll join you during the night again soon.

  2. Nice to know she is relaxing enough to try getting on the bed with you and the others. She's got the monorail down pat.

  3. Good for her, she's quite the cute monorail kitty!

  4. Oh, that's so cute. It looks like Indie will soon claim a spot on your bed. You just may have to find another place to sleep :-)

  5. Wow, she's making terrific progress! I'm impressed with the brief nighttime "cuddle" and the monorail!

  6. It's a move in the right direction, which is good

  7. Coming up beside you at night is huge progress. I hope she soon joins you again. Great monorail pose from her.

  8. Monorailing, or an armrest sploot!
