Saturday, August 17, 2024

All's Well

Yesterday, I received word from the veterinary regarding Indigo’s fructosamine test. Everything that it shows is satisfactory, and the doctor prescribed leaving Indie’s insulin dosage at the level it is right now, two units twice a day.

Her behaviour in relation to diabetes is good. She is not wetting more than twice a day, and I see her drinking water once a day, if that – though I know she drinks more due to the level of water in her bowl, which I’m sure no one else touches. In any case, her fluid in-take and out-flow are good, and those of a healthy cat.

This is a relief to me, not so much because I could not have increased Indigo’s insulin dosage by a unit without worry, but because it demonstrates that the insulin is keeping her body in a good condition. That, aided by decent nutrition, clean water and as stress-free an environment as living with cats she doesn’t like allows, means that my solid little introvert is doing well.


  1. This is fantastic news. I'm so glad that Indigo's diabetes is being managed at the current insulin level. The fructosamine test definitely was worth it!

  2. That is such great news! I'm so glad things are going well with Indie.

  3. That is really wonderful news for the weekend!

  4. I'm sure this is a great relief to you. Glad she's doing well on her insulin as it is.

  5. Such good news for the little cutie.

  6. Good news for Indigo, and a relief for you, I'm sure.
