Monday, August 12, 2024

My New Bath-buddy

Tempo appears to have taken over some of Renn’s former duties. She is intrigued by the shower in the bathroom, and will wait for me to finish. Thereupon, she yells at me for a couple of minutes, perhaps wondering how any creature could be so foolish as to be splashed willingly by streams of water.

Yet when I have my bath, Temps is curious but not alarmed. Once I settle in the tub, she will settle down, too, and stay until my ablutions have been completed. It’s nice to have company again.


  1. I bet dear Renn told her enough of his duties that she has decided to follow in his paw prints. She's a cutie.

  2. Renn wanted to groom the new assistant. He did well.

  3. I think Renn wants to make sure you don't get too lonely...

  4. With the added bonus of using the TP roll for a pillow!

  5. Perhaps she wants to become a lifeguard??

  6. I like the idea that Renn passed this "duty" on to her. Or perhaps she just like the thick roll of tp for a pillow!

  7. The first pussy~cat l had on my return to
    this country in 73, was Darlinga...and when
    l was laying in the tub...these paws and face
    would suddenly appear over the side of the tub...
    HaHa! So, we just chatted away for several
    minutes....and Darlina was the one who enjoyed
    watching the snooker on TV...when a ball was
    potted, she'd go around the back of the TV, to
    see where the ball had gone...! Bless!

  8. She must be very curious as to why you are then shower. Good of her to hang out in the bathroom to keep you company.
