Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Thankfully, I have not had too many cats who have stared at ghosts, aliens, private investigators in the bushes or other invisible beings. I recall that Tungsten did now and then, but thankfully most of those in the Cosy Apartment have kept their gaze fixed in this dimension.

This may have changed with the advent of Tempo, who spent ten minutes staring upward an evening or two ago. And she didn’t even hurt her neck.


  1. Don't you wish cats could talk and tell us what they see that we can't.

  2. Flynn was terrible for that! Ivor used to play cards with his friends on a Friday night. Eric would make himself comfortable on a chair and Flynn would curl up beside me on the computer desk. Every time without fail after about an hour he would wake up with a growl and bush his tail up and go to the wall and sit staring up at it. It was very unnerving at first, but I got used to it. Whether he really could hear something or was just playing tricks on me I will never know.

    1. That's worse than just staring!

    2. There was a period when my cats would walk down the hallway, and sometimes stop about half-way through, stare in front of them, and leap over...something. I'm positive this house is haunted by the ghost of a previous cat resident, so I assumed that is what they were avoiding.

  3. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than
    a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single
    Look up in the sky! Is it a bird..? Is it a plane..?
    No! It's Super~Cat....! :O).

  4. UFO, airplane, bird, moth, or just nothing?

  5. Maybe we don't really want to know what cats are staring at when they do that....

    BTW, if one of my cats did what Flynn used to, I'd be completely freaked out every time!

  6. Humans can never see what a cat stares at.

  7. Several of ours watch the ghosts visiting us too.

  8. I do wonder what they see. Last week my great nephew was waving at someone in the house who wasn't there and I wondered if they had a ghost.

  9. Wouldn't it be cool to know what they are staring at

  10. It would be interesting to see what they see. I don't recall any of my six staring into space.
