Monday, August 5, 2024

Sounds for a Cat-man

Today is a day off for me. I think it’s called Heritage Day here in Alberta. It’s an unpaid holiday (which is rather silly, since I could call in sick any day and have that as an unpaid holiday. Anyway…) The point is that I was able to have a nap. My apartment building is, however, undergoing extensive renovations; the unit chosen for today’s renovations sounds as if it is the one immediately above mine. There was pounding and hammering, sawing and drilling, scraping and various unidentified noises that simulate a great ship breaking apart after being struck by multiple torpedoes. I fell asleep during all that and slept for about seventy minutes.

What woke me up was somecat throwing up a hairball in the kitchen.


  1. Funny what we sleep through and what we awaken to. Glad you got a nap before the furball.

  2. Boy O Boy, does the sound of horking EVER wake ME up!

  3. A cat throwing up a hairball is guaranteed to wake one up!

  4. You know you're a long time cat parent when.... 😁

  5. For a cat person, that's a more attention-engaging sound than a bomb going off next door.

  6. Oh yes, that is the wake up call we could do without too!

  7. I have woken to that sound many times. :)

  8. What a lovely thing to wake up too, NOT

  9. Now that's a true cat owner, can sleep through construction but not a hairball. Too funny!

  10. Good gad, are they going to make renovations to your place too?

  11. You're a typical cat parent. We can sleep through anything but a hairball!

  12. The hairball gag noise will get you every time!! LOL! Is your apt up for any of that noisy work?

  13. Cat vomiting is a universal wake up sound for all cat parents.
