Monday, June 1, 2020

Their Names Were Cammie and Raleigh

I received Cammie and Raleigh’s ashes last week. Because they were cremated through different veterinary hospitals, their caskets are different. Cammie has a simple one, like Parker’s, but in black. Raleigh’s is a little tomb. It’s amusing, in a way, that my princess’s ashes are in a plain box, while my ‘charity case’ reposes in a tiny mausoleum. Well, perhaps Cammie would not think it funny…

I have also framed their photographs. Cammie’s was easy to choose. It is my favourite picture of her. Her expression was often more dead-pan than this, but now and then, she appeared a little melancholy. Though she purred, and purred well, she always struck me as a little sad, perhaps wondering why she didn’t rate better subjects than the cats and human who lived under her suzerainty. But the photo shows her subtle colours, and the brilliance of her green eyes, before they went black.

Raleigh never had a professional photographer capture his likeness. I wish one had. Peachy was just not photogenic. He always had a slightly bedraggled look, his eyes droopy, his face tired. The impression thus created was belied by his behaviour when he was well. He would play exuberantly, and those big spatula paws of his made him look even more kitten-like than his actions did. In the end, I selected an image of him snoozing on my bed. I think at the time his fur had not yet been rid of all its mats, so he looked rather shaggier than he became. But this was him sleeping near me, unafraid, secure and content. My ugly spaniel.

I have run out of room on the little dresser for all the urns and photos of my departed friends, so I have now arranged things differently. Their pictures are on the wall above the dresser-top, which still holds their remains. I can see them all when I go to bed, and when I wake again in the morning. There are now two more than there were just a month ago. Their names were Cammie and Raleigh. They were my friends, and I will remember them.


  1. We will remember them to John..!
    God bless you..! God bless..!

  2. Oh we like your remberance wall. I have asked that when I die my family put the ashes of puss and poppy (if she goes before me), that they get to go with me.

    It is nice to have your friends close by.

  3. Words fail me, but my heart aches deeply for and with you. Hugs and peace.

  4. I am glad of the arrangement. They are all honored family- and still safe with you as they always were.

  5. That's probably my favorite photo of Cammie, too--the look on her face is so expressive. And Raleigh looks so happy and peaceful. That's the perfect way to remember him.

    You have beautiful mementos of all the cats who have, as you say, gone ahead.

  6. They were both super special and always will be.

  7. We will remember Angel's Cammie and Raleigh too.

  8. What a beautiful remembrance arrangement. As long as we can keep our cats in our heats, they can never be forgotten.

  9. I,too, will always remember them just as I still remember those who have gone before.

  10. that's an amazing tribute to them ♥♥♥♥♥ ....all of the trouters, even from years past and dogs as well, are at Pet Rest, with the exception of Clyde the 3rd bulldog. the pictures you chose are the ones that mean the most; that's all that counts. parker and bear almost mirror image each other ♥♥♥

  11. What a sweet tribute to those who lives were saved by you! I have photos of my cats to look back on, but no tribute wall.

    We too, will remember Cammie and Raleigh.

  12. That is a beautiful wall of remembrance to your beloved friends. They will never be forgotten.

  13. While I (as a gardener and composter) tend to bury my cats (but cremation is fine), I wanted to remark on the wall display. My sister recently sent me a plaque that shows a curved path with pawprints and saying "I crossed over The Rainbow Bridge knowing I was LOVED".

    I had already planned to find a good picture of each of the Cats Who Came Before and have them printed and framed. To be displayed in The Mews Room around the plaque. With your picture, I can see how that might look.

    Some people don't like reminders. I think it is right and proper to do so. A very nice display of your dear companions, and your post as kick-started me back into getting back to that project.

    1. I can understand that some people don't want to be reminded, but I find that such tangible memorials are important to me. Cammie is probably somewhere thinking how silly I am...

      Your memorial will look most striking with the pictures around the plaque: each cat knowing he or she was loved...

  14. We remember them also and still think we will hear about their latest exploits. Ah the heart is boundless in its ability to hold that which is dear
