Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A Matter of Perspective

Cats are funny creatures. Each reacts differently to a stimulus. I recall holding Tucker up to the kitchen window. We would look out together and talk about things. I tried that with Aurora – a much lighter burden to bear, I can tell you – and the result was quite different.

She was fascinated by all that she saw but she saw it a little distortedly. She watched as a car pulled out of the parking lot behind the retail business across the alley. As the vehicle turned to face us head-on – though eighty yards or so away – Auro panicked. I had to put her down.

The next day, I held her at the window again, and she was astonished by the leaves fluttering past, by the birds on the lawn. Then she observed someone walking toward the building. The individual was some distance away but, as with the car, Aurora seemed not to take proximity – or the lack of it – into account. She panicked again and, when I put her on the floor, hurried off.

It may be a kitten quality; perhaps it has to do with vision at that age or simply an inability to determine space. Maybe she knows full well how far away something is, but just isn’t taking chances with anything catching her. It’s interesting, in any case, how she interprets the view, especially when compared to other cats’ perceptions. Considering this little one’s character, I have a feeling Aurora will be looking at things unusually for most of her life.


  1. Your observation regarding Aurora's reaction to looking out the window was interesting. I wonder if she realized that cars and people could pose a possible threat while leaves and birds were not harmful.

  2. Ah! Bless!x But then it's all a process of learning...!

  3. Poppy hated strangers, and would always run and hide. I think though, this is normal cat instinct.

  4. She's definitely a kitty that understands natural nature rather than human beings and Automobiles. It's actually great fun for you and her both to go around from window to window and have a good look outside gets her used to human contact.

  5. That's quite smart of her. She knows leaves and birds won't hurt her, but cars and strangers potentially could.

  6. I agree that she knows what can hurt her and what will not. I also think Precious had a good idea. That Aurora could continue touring the windows in her home to get used to the happenings out there. Here, the only problem for a long long long time was Katie's absolute hatred of ANY animal outside. I had to block her view. She's well over that finally.

  7. I agree, she probably instinctively knows what could harm her and what won't.

  8. We all have fresh perspectives on life.
