Saturday, October 21, 2023

In Their New Homes, Here and There

Theodore and Chiff arrived at the Cosy Apartment yesterday late afternoon. Though they were somewhat frightened of their new situation, that didn’t keep them from exploring, as may be seen from the photographs below, taken last evening.

By the same time today, they had progressed in their trust greatly. Theodore is the bolder of the two, and was the first to permit me to touch. At first when I stroked him, his tail was down, but now it is up, and he will, after sniffing a proffered hand, rub his face on my fingers. I can also pick him up.

Chiff is more reticent, but nonetheless allows petting. A good sign of their comfort is that they are playing, wrestling together and, from time to time, making a great deal of noise in the library, though when I go to investigate, freeze and return my curious stare. They are eating well, and have already established regularity at the litter-box.

With regard to the other cats, both Imogen and Aurora have hissed and growled at them, to receive the same back. I doubt there will be much trouble from anyone, though whether they will be friends is an open question. Neville has invaded the library several times looking at what they have to eat, while Renn does the same for the purpose of visiting the newcomers’ litter-box. Neither oldster has an interest in interacting with the youngsters.

I am confident enough to leave the library door open all the time while I am present and awake.

Now, some readers have been asking after Brazil. He is, as Lynn and Precious once wrote about him, a tough nut to crack. He refused to eat in his new surroundings, so far as his new people could tell for several days. But last night, he ate some hard-food. He must also be drinking water, as he, like Chiff and Theodore, has been leaving deposits regularly in his box. The corner was turned, we believe, when the husband of the couple who want to adopt Brazil spent the night in Brazil’s room. Shimmer’s reaction to the wife was, she considered, one of apprehension. But during last night, with the man for company, Brazil came out of one of his hiding spots and slept on a cat-tree. (Surveillance of the newcomer is maintained through ‘nanny-cams’, which is rather a good idea for shy cats like Brazil.) It will be a long progression for Brazil, but we were all prepared for that. Now that he has eaten, we can breathe again.


  1. Welcome to Chiff and Theodore!! It looks like they are already settling in to The Cosy Apartment nicely. They're both beautiful. It seems that Brazil is also adjusting to his new home, (slowly but surely), and that's good news. Please continue to keep us posted.

  2. Yes! Welcome! And so starts a new adventure....
    Look forward to updates over the next few days,
    weeks, months..??? HeHe! Bless!xx
    And hopefully Brazil is getting there, and making his

  3. Thanks for the update on all three. Chiff and Theodore are already settling in, I see. They're young and adaptable! It would be lovely if they found a forever home together. As for Brazil, I'm relieved he has eaten and didn't hide away when his new human male servant slept in the room with him. That's better than I would have expected!

  4. It sounds that it is much easier for the kittens to get used to their new home and surroundings that is for Brazil. Glad the kittens are so friendly in the house with you, and hopefully we'll just continue to explore.

  5. Thank Heaven about Brazil. That was likely extremely worrisome. And I am glad that the kittens are settling in..just as you thought they would. WHEW!

  6. I wonder how Brazil became so extraordinarily cautious?

  7. Chiff and Theodore are so pretty! I hope they can settle into a peaceful coexistence with the other cats. And I'm relieved to hear that Brazil seems to be on the road to adapting to his new home.

  8. We are glad to hear Theodore and Chiff are settling in! And thank goodness that Brazil has eaten. Purring that he'll turn a corner sometime soon.

  9. Brazil, a tough nut to crack...oh no you didn't!
    Look at those wee kittens...SQUEE!!!!

  10. It seems Brazil's new family are prepared for a long wait, but that he is able to sleep in the same room as the husband is wonderful news. Most certainly eating is even better news.
    Curious kittens, they're such fun characters. I don't doubt they'll be thundering through the apartment in no time.

  11. A post that made me smile and feel happy

  12. Chiff and Theodore are such cuties and I'm glad Brazil made a good step forward.

  13. Those kittens are soon going to be a lot of fun...or maybe work!! LOL!
    Brazil seems to be warming up to the man, as he may think he's like you, but he isn't too sure about the female types yet...maybe one day!
    Glad he broke his hunger strike!
