Monday, October 9, 2023


Today is Thanksgiving Day, a day which we set aside to be especially grateful for the good things in our lives. It corresponds to the ancient harvest festivals that almost every culture has, or had; they, too, were occasions of gratitude for good crops, and the amounts that were taken in.

I usually write on this day that I am thankful for all the things I have in my life, and indeed, I am. But I was thinking earlier of a specific example. One day last week, I had not decided what to have for dinner that evening. The choices were adequate and nutritious, but, to be honest, rather bland and unexciting. Then I realised that they were choices. Many people in the world – considering Earth’s population and the poverty prevalent upon the planet, it may be most of the people – don’t have choices in what to eat, and some of them don’t have anything to eat, period.

My table never looks like that illustrated (though, thanks to a kind friend’s invitation to dinner yesterday, my early Thanksgiving meal came very close; another reason to be grateful) but, to hundreds of millions of my fellow humans, it may as well look like it every night. Whenever I am hungry, I am in a position to eat, and my hunger will be assuaged. That is a remarkable statement to make. How fortunate am I to be able to fill my stomach whenever I wish, and with a selection of foods, if I so desire?

Once again, then, I find myself astonished at my good luck. I have a home and food; I have resources with which to care for my cats; I have the likelihood of more of this to come. These statements alone should make me grateful, and they do.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving John! Do enjoy your time off with the cats.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and you have a wonderful reason for thanks.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I too feel very fortunate to have a roof over my head, food options, clothing options, access to electronics and the world via internet, plus the ability to take care of our feline family.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you all, John. I'm glad you had a lovely dinner...with someone else cooking!

  5. Have a happy Thanksgiving! In my younger days, I ardently wished I was rich enough for all the things I'd dream about: a lovely home out in the country so I could keep all sorts of animals, a chauffeur to drive me around (I hate driving,) a housekeeping staff...Now, as I get older, I'm increasingly grateful just to have a roof over my head and enough money for my needs. It's all I ask for anymore.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful, very much so, each and every day for the same reasons as you. As with another responder here, I am grateful for a home, food, warmth, and food and a bed. I express those thanks each day and night.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, John! Yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for: Good health, a home, food on the table, good friends and, of course, our cats. Have a wonderful holiday, John!

  8. Happy thanksgiving John. A feeling I share too, that I sm lucky enough to have food for every meal available, with plenty of choice, fresh water to drink and a warm bed to sleep in, in a peaceful country.

  9. A very happy and thankful Thanksgiving to you John.

  10. I am grateful to have plentiful food with good choices. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  11. You are blessed to have so much to be thankful for, some are not so blessed I, however, count myself luck to so blessed I have a good life.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, a day late...but still!! From this Canadian living in the USA, to YOU in Canada...and yes we are rich beyond compare when we consider the state of so many others.
