Thursday, October 19, 2023

Head To Be Examined At a Later Date

It’s been my practice to wait at least a couple of weeks after losing a cat to an adoption before bringing in another, to give everyone in the Cosy Apartment - including myself - some breathing room, and to ensure that a spot remains open in case of a failed adoption. The latter, thanks to the rescue-group’s stringent interviewing process, is a rarity. And in Brazil’s case, we are giving him at least a month, probably two, rather than the usual fortnight, before we judge the success of the integration. For my part, I have little doubt that he will do well in his new home, given time.

This is by way of a prologue to explaining that in this instance there is not going to be a wait for those two months, or even two weeks. Two days, is more like it. More guests will be arriving tomorrow. Allow me to introduce Theodore and, below him, his sister Miss Chiff. (They are a few weeks older than they were in these photographs.)

You may recall Astrid, whom I trapped outside my apartment. She was adopted with one of her kittens, Dale. (Astrid’s injured eye is healing slowly and, though it will never look the way it did, and she may have some sight difficulties with it, she is prospering.) Another of her kittens, Raven, is on a trial-adoption. That leaves two: Theodore and Chiff.

Why are they coming to my apartment? For the same reason Aurora did: it’s far too crowded in their foster-home. That is where Emori and her second litter are living. Though they are not quite two weeks old, that brood is already trying to explore their world, which will mean in a very short time, six adventurers will be all over the house - well, room, until they are old enough to move about without supervision. As well, a stranger gave Emori’s foster-guardian another abandoned kitten, driving right up to the house and handing it over to her: not circumstances in which one could refuse. So that house is full, since Emori, her six babies and this new one doesn’t include the resident animals already there.

I hope that Thoedore and Miss Chiff will, together or singly, provide Auro with some fun and games; without Brazil, she is concentrating on driving Imogen crazy, and that is regrettable.

Six cats, three of them kittens, is not ideal for my home, but with so few people fostering, we have little choice. There has been an explosion of kittens in our community this year and, to judge from the internet, everywhere in North America. The number of times I read and hear of people who are looking for a cat who escaped its home and who was ‘just going to be spayed/neutered next week’ is absurd. Such a solution to cat over-population cannot wait.


  1. Ah! Bless! Looking forward to your following
    posts john...Think your in for a bit of fun, as well
    as the usual problems...Good luck...! :O).

  2. Well, that was fast! I hope Imogen won't be too put out.

  3. Congratulations, Dad, lol. 2 more mouths to feed, says Old Mother Hubbard. Good thing you don't live in a shoe.

  4. Oh MY! MY MY MY! Thank you from my own heart for allowing these two babies to come and live with you. As they are kittens perhaps they will be adopted before very long at all. I agree...even as just an ordinary person, I too have read or heard many times regarding an escaped cat that they were going to be spayed or neutered any second. By the way, coming into heat is a difficult time for the cat, yes, but it is certainly hard on the foster or actual parent. How can you go through that on purpose month or year after month or year? Fee is high, but not un-doable. Just do it!

  5. It's going to be an entertaining time in the Cozy Apartment (at least for your readers). I do hope they settle in quickly and learn to leave Imogen alone.
    Gosh, they are so darn cute!

  6. Oh, what cuties! When I saw the post title, I thought you meant that your latest foster had a head issue that needed vet care, but I see it's YOUR head that "needs" examination. LOL. One thing that does not need examination is your heart, at least in the figurative sense.

  7. The kittens are so cute and I hope you head is ok

  8. Chiff and Theodore are absolutely adorable, (and beautiful!). I dare say that things will not be dull around The Cosy Apartment. I look forward to hearing about their escapades.

  9. Praying for an easy transition and Blue is in her forever home

  10. Of course you'd take them, it's what you do for those beautiful sweeties. Thank you.

  11. It's not boring at The Cosy Apartment!
    Look at those babies; wonder how the oldsters will take to a twinset.

  12. Nothing wrong with your head at all!
    I think you did the wisest thing to help out. It might even be fun, in a busy kind of way!

  13. theo N chiff….if ewe want sum add vize bout raiz hellz, lemme know…itz still frezh in me mind bout what eye did in me yooth 😺. mackerull

  14. I look forward to hearing about kitten antics and seeing their cute photos.

  15. I am so happy that they have a spot to go to with you, they will be well cared for and highly adoptable!
