Friday, October 13, 2023

He Who Must Wait

Brazil is scheduled to go to his prospective new home on Tuesday.

Because of the extreme shortage of foster-homes, and the overwhelming number of cats who need them, I am already thinking about who can be next to come in. Certainly, there are numerous calls every day for the rescue-group to take in stray, abandoned or unwanted cats. I haven’t worked out an average; last year, I believe the average number of calls for such help was thirteen a week. With the glut of mother-cats with kittens this year, I believe the number of calls may be rather less, but the number of cats involved more.

There are several outsider-cats I would like to see permanently indoors. This is one. You may recall Arliss from the past. He has returned, though as irregularly as ever. Yet he has changed. He looks better than the last time I saw him, healthier. He appeared rather ragged when I observed him previously, his coat rough and in poor shape. He seems stockier now, and stronger. As well, he is not as timid; he remained, about three feet away, when I placed a food-bowl on the floor of the concrete ditch; priorly, he ran.

But Arliss is feral. He might come around - in fact, I believe he would - if given time. But alas, that time - and space - could be more productively given to other cats, those already socialised but now fearful; those who could be adopted in less time than it would take just to gain Arliss’s trust.

This is the sort of “rescue-triage” that is necessary. We must judge who is most likely to benefit from being taken in; who will derive the greater advantage from our efforts; for whom time will be of most value. These conditions are, of course, set aside in emergencies. Nonetheless, I dislike having to reduce the cats’ situations to such qualities, but it is required, until more foster-homes come available.

For now, then, Arliss will have to content himself with his visits to Café Cosy, and I will have to content myself with the notion that he has somewhere else to go, another source of food, other benefactors, perhaps even a home.


  1. As I recall, when Arliss first appeared, you thought he must have a home. Since he doesn't come by regularly, I still hope that's the case.

  2. It does seem that Arliss has another source of food, at least. It's so unfortunate the people continue to think of cats as throw away animals. Arliss deserved far better than that. However, I am grateful (as I am certain he is) that he can find a bit of respite at the Cafe Cosy.

  3. Too many cats who need homes. It is indeed a dilemma. Here our humane society has not had a constant veterinarian for one year, so they will not take in any cats. An empty house. And where do all these unwanted, but caught cats go? Back out on their own. It breaks my heart that our county is so lax on this. I wish all your feral and unwanted cats better luck. It seems Arliss does have a good place as yours for food.

  4. I wish there was a true solution to the cat population. It's so sad seeing so many in need.

  5. It is sad that there are so many who need help and so few who can or will help

  6. Good luck to Brazil! We go on holiday on Monday (a cruise for our wedding anniversary) so it is unlikely I will be online for two weeks, but I will try and catch up when we get back.

  7. I'll look forward to hearing how Brazil is doing with his possible adoption. Hopefully all will go well. Meanwhile, it is heartbreaking that there are so many stray and feral cats that need help, but not enough people available to give them the help they need.

  8. Awww, Arliss looks like a real sweetie. Thank you so much for your kind words on the passing of our dear Brian. We all sincerely appreciate your kindness.

    Dad Terry

  9. Poor Arliss; caught in the betwixt and between. We hope he will thrive whatever happens.

  10. About your missing comment. I was sure I had seen it too but that may have been an email notification. I looked in Blogger spam and found it there with another comment so verified both of them. I don't know why Blogger sometimes does that with people who have been commenting for years. It went through a spate of that a while ago so I will have to remember to check regularly again.

  11. Meezers Mews said it for me. Caught in the betwixt and between.

  12. We know that you love Arliss too, and he'll be a worry for you.
    Cannot tell by this image, if he's been eartipped.
