Wednesday, October 4, 2023

My Impending Heart Attack

Imogen is a pretty relaxed cat much of the time. But she is also still a youngster, three or four years old, and in very good health. She has bursts of energy. I hope to capture her some day on video while playing, when she leaps and pounces, twists and turns. Sometimes, though, she simply runs.

Yesterday, she had a bolt of energy that she needed to release. Miss Silky knows no rules at such times. She rocketed into the kitchen, jumped onto the stove - which is alarming in itself, as I had just finished heating food in a pot there - missing the elements, ran onto the ledge under the window, ascended without effort to the top of the kitchen cabinets, shot across their length, flew down to the dining table - on the top of which she is, as with the stove, not permitted, by the way - dropped to the floor again and fired herself through the corridor to the bedroom. This was accomplished in about three seconds.

The initial black blur startled me as I was at the kitchen counter, risking a burn on the stove frightened me, banging onto the tabletop worried me; the whole exercise left me short of breath, frankly.

I am pleased that Imo is fit and exuberant enough to achieve all these things. It shows a happy and well animal. But I wish she could provide some warning at such times…


  1. Egads, I had heart palpitations just reading this!

  2. Wow, she sure had the zoomies! That would just about give me a heart attack too!

  3. Do you have a cat show scheduled for your area? Maybe she should try out for the agility competition.

  4. Too many years here since I've had that kind of heart attack with Precious! Love seeing this. By the way, after a horrible paw burn on Angel Seney, I now put a pan of cold water immediately onto the hot burner when done cooking. This interferes pretty much in every way with paw contact on that burner.

  5. I wish I could tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the red arrows you provided! These made the story completely clear! I loved this! She had super zoomies!! I have never had the privilege of seeing such expertise as she has!

  6. That must have been quite an event! I am very relieved that Flynn had his zoomies at ground level. He saved the heart attack ones for outdoors climbing the tallest trees and going out onto branches that were mere twigs.

  7. Wow, she's quite the athlete. I like Lynn's idea of a cold pan of water on the stove. Thankfully, Saku is much more relaxed these days and I don't think I have to worry overmuch. He does zoom every once in a while but it only lasts from one room to the next.

  8. Oh my goodness, glad that it didn't end badly as really could have done

  9. What a speedy excited girl. Glad to hear there were no injuries.

  10. I love the illustration ... LOL ..... glad nobody was hurt (including your heart) during this exercise!

  11. WOW, that was quite the exciting romp! Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

  12. That would have been so crazy to see! My cats have their zoomies at ground level. I don't think my heart could take it if they went higher.

  13. Zoomie time!! And then she had to relax to recharge the batteries for the next one!
