Sunday, January 12, 2025

Corners To Be Turned

Moxy has been wary of Brazil since Brazil went after him a couple of times. ‘Attack’ is too strong a word; cat-people will know what I mean: Shimmer was likely just trying to boss the Mixer around, to show who’s boss, as he has tried - and still does periodically - with Imogen.

I haven’t seen Brazil do this with Moxy for some time, perhaps a couple of weeks. Instead, Brazil appears to be trying to befriend the big, hefty boy. He repeatedly sniffs Mox’s nose, though Moxy probably suspects a trap and retreats half the time. But today, I found the two of them on the bed together.

Furthermore, Valkyrie later joined them, and Shimmer groomed the kitten for several minutes, while lying next to Moxy. The latter seemed ready to give Shimmer the benefit of the doubt. I of course have no idea what happens when I am at work, but if this weekend is an indication, a corner may have been turned.

Then again, knowing cats, maybe I should be on guard as much as Moxy…


  1. It will be interesting to see what develops. Meanwhile, I love the pictures.

  2. Awww nice to see the kids getting along.

  3. It is lovely to see them all together, although I am not sure that Brazil has his nose in the best place in the penultimate photo.

  4. This was certainly picture perfect. Nice that all three were cuddled up together with no arguing or anything.

  5. I love the pictures! I hope that corner has indeed been turned. WHAT a surprise though seeing this today! I wouldn't have expected it. I hope to get to see plenty more snuggle photos. Brazil, have you learned to be more gentle? Keep it up, whatever it is!

  6. These photos are giving me "awww" vibes. I hope the cosiness continues!

  7. Am betting you were tiptoeing around while snapping pics, hoping to NOT upset this new détente!

  8. That's too adorable. Maybe peace will break out at last?

  9. A kitty pile! I'm thinking a corner has definitely been turned...or at least while they are sleeping. :)
