Monday, January 27, 2025

Pictures At My Exhibition

It’s going on three months, but I at last put up the pictures in the sitting room. The trouble is that hanging pictures isn’t a quick operation, so it requires the time available only on weekends. My weekends are really the only part of the week that offers me substantial blocks of free time, so everything that requires them has to be done then.

And, frankly, hanging pictures is a laborious activity, so I didn’t want to do it. Finding the stud in the wall, marking the spot, positioning the picture, trying to decide if it is high enough, too high, level, level with other pictures, putting the nail and hook in, then realising it’s in the wrong place and repeating the process: this is tedious work.

The results of hanging pictures are usually pleasing, however, and I think yesterday’s work turned out well. Some aren't quite where I wanted them, but they had to be placed where the wall would support them. The room seems suddenly more crowded to me, but I will grow accustomed to it. It looks a bit more homey. I hope to rouse myself to put up pictures in the other rooms on the following weekends. With the increased space I have available, I may not have enough pictures. But that’s a problem for future weekends…


  1. Nicely done, even if a bit of a hassle.

  2. Your new home looks lovely. I wish you much happiness and good health there.

  3. Art on the walls and decor items really do make a space feel like home. It looks great, John, well worth the time and effort!

  4. All these pictures are lovely and a great addition to blank walls. You are getting settled in and it is better to go slow and figure it out.

  5. The pictures look good and make the Cosy Cabin look even more homely.

  6. It was all certainly worth the effort, though!

  7. I like your arrangement. I detest hanging pictures and whine till I get help with it. You however did a fine job of arrangement and I think the cats will like them. Katie actually looks at them here, on occasion.

  8. Yes, indeed, bare walls are far too sterile!
    I enjoyed your gallery show, no tickets needed!

  9. guyz…dad wented ta a lot oh trubull for ewe ta jump up N knock em side wayz ore off de wall all two gether ….‼️😺🐟 ( lookz pawsum bye de way ‼️‼️πŸ’™πŸ’š
