Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Unlikely Playmates

I think I may have remarked recently that Imogen has been more active than ever before, since we’ve moved to the Cosy Cabin, and more tolerant of the other beasts. I may have even mentioned that she had taken that tolerance a step further, and has begun playing with Valkyrie. Here they are in action.

Imo loves her bathmat - the one that I had to buy for myself you can see on the rim of the tub - as it doubles as both a bed and a toy. She will push it about and burrow under it. When she does the latter, Valkyrie sometimes hurries in to play, too. Their interaction at such times consists largely of an exchange of harmless whapping, yet they both seem to enjoy it; Valk will often change position to try an attack from a different angle.

Other times, the two chase each other. Miss Silky will periodically not want to play, or grow bored with it, and then hiss or growl at the youngster. But for the most part, there is silence, except for the thumping of cat-feet; claws are in, ears are up and, unlike when Valkyrie and Brazil pursue each other at a gallop, Imo’s part brings the pace down to a more dignified trot.

Nonetheless, when any of these actions occur, it’s a joy for me to see. And it appears to be fun for the cats, as well.


  1. That is good news that Imogen is playing with Valkyrie. It is good to watch cats playing together.

  2. It's terrific that Imogen is more relaxed and playful in the larger space of the Cosy Cabin. The kitty lump in the last pic has put a big smile on my face! (I will add that it was wise of you to get your own bathmat. Lol.)

  3. I had to stare hard at the top picture to realize that Imogen was underneath her favorite bath mat. That there was actually a lump under there. Glad the girls found a way to play together without getting into serious argument.

  4. Best news again! Things have really gotten better for the beasts! That is so much fun to read and especially to see! Go, Girls!!!

  5. Well, that's a new one...bath mat as cat toy!

  6. That's wonderful that they're becoming friends. I didn't know you had to get your own bathmat. *Chortle*

  7. It's great that Val and Imogen have become playmates. They're certainly enjoying the extra room they have in the Cosy Cabin.

  8. It is good they are having fun together and I am sure they all like having more room to explore and enjoy

  9. I'm so glad they are having fun together! Our Tinslee loves our bath mat!
