Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Valkyrie Sees the Light and Other Play-time Wonders

In the never-ending series of changes that is living with cats, Valkyrie saw the red dot last night and chased it; not just once or twice, but several times. I am sure she hadn’t seen it previously; she is not a kitten to notice such a thing and decline at least to acknowledge it. Yesterday, she saw it and pursued it just like most other cats would. At first, I thought it was because of the lighting: Valk was in a darkened room when she initially gave a sign that she had observed it. But she not only continued to see it in a bright room, but had not seen it in dark rooms before. A strange thing.

Moxy is now chasing the string-toy rather than lying on the floor and waiting for it to come to him. He is more active in seeking involvement than he used to be, and now spends more time in the kitchen than elsewhere during the day, since that is often where things are happening.

And wonder of wonders, Imogen and Valkyrie were playing together. I thought I saw them chasing each other a few days ago, but couldn’t be sure. Last night, they definitely were. It didn’t last long, but they were pursuing each other without hisses or growls. During play-time with the dot and string, Valk will throw herself at the string no matter who is already wrestling with it. When she does so with Imo, the latter thumps her on the head, but without much force and no rancour. This is quite a change for Miss Silky, though she still growls and hisses at other cats from time to time.

Brazil was his usual busy self at play-time, and even Indigo tried to bite the dot, then fought with the string-toy for several minutes before losing her temper with it.

Neville disdained to play. It remains something for the younger crowd.

And Sable has yet to decide whether or not she wants to have fun in her new home.


  1. Well, some one must observe the show and I think Nev has nailed that job nicely. Sable is probably listening and thinking on what is happening in the wild Cosy Cabin.

  2. Never a dull moment at The Cozy Cabin!

  3. That's very interesting news about Imogen. Maybe Indigo will be the next to join in the fun more.

  4. It sounds like everyone is having fun. I can't see Nev ever changing, but maybe one day Sable will surprise you.

  5. Nice positive post they all sound like they are having fun

  6. Playtime is catching on, at least with some!

  7. It seems that the cats have adapted well to their new home and they're enjoying it.

  8. I really enjoyed reading these good changes among the residents. I hope one day when there is time-- and you are there when they are playing, you can make another video. As a single in- the- house- camera-bearer, I know those times can be hard to capture. And you have many cats to enjoy.

  9. Sounds like almost everyone is having fun. Neville may be enjoying it from his vantage point. Hopefully Sable will find her way from UTB soon too.
