Monday, January 20, 2025

It Could have Been Worse

Undoubtedly Valkyrie. Either she pulled the books out while lying on the shelf above, or squeezed behind them and pushed them out. The trajectory was perfect for the food-bowl. I think Boswell’s London Journal did most of the damage.

It could have been worse; the water-bowl was only a foot and a half away.


  1. Ahhh... There's never a dull moment when you have cats. Maybe Val wanted to help by dusting the bookshelves?? :-)

  2. Some one must keep the dust bunnies off the shelves and I'd say Val deserves a kibble thanks.

  3. That must have been quite a pitch. I'm impressed.

  4. It's a pretty good still-life composition... she has talent!

  5. Good heavens! That was quite the feat! Perhaps she's commenting on your reading preferences. Or providing a clue to life's deepest mysteries.

  6. Oh my goodness! I haven't had that happen yet! I hope I don't, and you are right! It could have been worse!!!

  7. That was lucky that the water bowl escaped unscathed!

  8. Phew, definitely a good thing it wasn't the water bowl.

  9. Sometimes the food jumps out of the bowls here too!

  10. crackin UP val😺😺😺…did ewe knot like dadz choize oh reedin ma terialz ‼️😺 try nother shelvez…mite bee a grate cat book ore two ther…N that waterz dizh kneadz fizh in it πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸ
