Friday, January 17, 2025

Xandria at Home

Xandria is settled in her new home. She has two humans to fuss over her and a big feline brother named Jack. At first, she was wary of Jack, of course, especially as he can be a bit intense; notice the stare in one photograph. Now, they are wrestling and playing together, and Jack periodically grooms Xan (who has a new name), whether she thinks she needs cleaning or not. Their relationship sounds at this time rather like the one the kitten had with Moxy. Readers can see the progression of her new relationship in the pictures.

This was a good move for the little one. From abandonment on the edge of a highway to a loving home with a couple of attentive humans and a protective sibling: Xandria is a lucky cat.


  1. Dear pictures of a precious little girl.

  2. *ahem* *cough* *cough*
    Got something caught in my throat...

  3. She is a very lucky little girl. Lovely photos showing how she has settled in.

  4. thiz post iz just like de BEST….sendin lotz oh sooper grate wizhez and fizhez for ewe xan and yur big brother ‼️🐟💙💚💚💙🐟‼️😺 YAY 😺‼️😺

  5. Aw, I'm SO glad she's settled in and has feline companionship. What a lovely start to the rest of her life. ❤️

  6. Great news, a great new furry friend, and a great big viewing window! She's in the good forever now.

  7. Thanks so much for the update on Xan. It's so nice to know that she has settled into her forever home. I love the photos. What a great start to the new year!

  8. Awww, that is so good to see. She is a happy sweetie.

  9. Wishing her a long happy and wonderful life xxx

  10. Thank you (and Xandria's new people) for sharing those photos! She is indeed a very lucky girl.

  11. That is wonderful! She looks, and it definitely sounds, like she's found the purrfect home.
