Monday, January 6, 2025

The Book and His Cover

This is how Moxy looks much of the time. His heavily-lidded, half-closed eyes and the turn of his head make him look dismissive, sardonic. He can take some good pictures, but he usually may be seen like this when in repose. His look is deceptive.

Actually, the Mixer deserves his nickname. He tries his best to interact with others, both humans and feline. He is gentle and timid, and, for the most part, others respond to that. He made friends with both Xandria and Valkyrie, shows Imogen that he’s no threat, treats Neville with respect and is even slowly winning over Brazil. I would not be surprised if Sable grew to like him. Indigo’s response is still under consideration.

Moxy takes easy-going to the next level; he prefers the quiet life. A sudden move or loud noise will send him scurrying for cover. Conflict, except for that simulated in a good play session, is something he avoids.

When thinking of adopting a cat, remember that looks may indeed be deceiving, and if he appears to be judging you, it may be no more than that - an appearance - and that your own judgement may be premature. Some books, after all, have misleading covers.


  1. Give him a cap and robe and you've got the new Professor. Maybe he can draw Sable out into the daylight with his lecture series.

  2. Oh yes, and we all know that the cover isn't a good indicator of what is beneath it!

  3. He's a lover, not a fighter. He does look like he's passing judgement, but then, all cats seem to have that ability in spades. 😁

  4. That's the look your Mom gives you when you say you HAVE NO IDEA who ate all the chocolate...

  5. He does rather have that look that may make you think he's not interested...but you have parsed him out well!

  6. He does look like he is giving judgement, but his relaxed paws tell a different story.

  7. That look to me says he is appraising us humans, as he isn't sure about trusting humans

  8. I love your insights into your cats' personalities. Moxy does look like he's sizing up the situation.

  9. He's a handsome boy. I love the white paws and chest.

  10. dood…thiz iz one oh de BEST cat eye fotoz eye haz seen …trooth buddy…yur look total lee rox and eye noe sum one who all sew givez thiz …look…. pawz UP….namez de cat father πŸ’šπŸŸπŸ’™πŸ˜Ί‼️

  11. pea ezz..dont forget ta push open de freezer πŸ₯ΆπŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™
