Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Into the Night

Sable seems to be splitting her time now between the library and the bedroom. She is often under the bed when I retire for the night. That’s when she comes out, to spend the dark hours elsewhere, part of the time in the cat-room, which is where I often see her if I wake in the night.

When Sabe emerges from under the bed, she shoots out with a noise like wind rushing through a tunnel. A friend suggested that it’s because when exiting her hiding spot outside, she would have been at her most vulnerable, and thinks she must get out quickly. That seems plausible. I know, though, that in the twilight region between waking and sleeping, when I hear the burst of air sweeping from under the bed, followed by nocturnal chirping, I know a new creature is loose in the Cosy Cabin.

I can then fall asleep.


  1. All's right in your Cosy Cabin world when Sabe scoots out for the night and you doze off. Maybe someday, she'll let the light of day find her.

  2. The monster is no longer under the bed!

  3. Hopefully one day she will emerge from her bolt hole at a more sedate pace.

  4. Oh, Sable, I hope you soon realize that you're safe now, whether you're under the bed or not.

  5. Hopefully soon Sable will spend more hours out from under the bed.

  6. She feels safe but she has to hurry just in case!

  7. That windy noise would scare off any other monsters if they were around. It does seem like she has to get to her destination in fear and haste to stay safe, poor girl.

  8. Oh, poor girl, she doesn't realize she has nothing to fear from you. Hopefully, there will come a time when she recognizes this and learns to trust.

  9. hopefully in time she will feel more relaxed on your lap
