I hung more pictures yesterday, this time in the cat-room. Two of them are needlework (I think), reportedly done by my grandfather, many many years ago. One is of a woman sitting knitting while her cat plays with yarn. Why she has the door wide open and a fire going at the same time, I don’t know. The second is a blacksmith’s shop. The frames are massive, too big for the works, perhaps, but they have always gone with them.
Also hung are two wintry pictures, which were a gift from some time ago.
Two tiny pictures are in the corridor just outside the cat-room. These are old, like the needlework, though not produced by anyone I know. On their backs is printed the words ‘British Empire made’. These little pictures may not stay where I put them. I’m not sure it’s the best place for them.
I have large blank spot on the left-hand wall of the cat-room (as one enters). There will hang the portraits of my deceased feline friends. I want to find a sturdy, short cabinet, heavy enough for the cats not to tip over, where I will place the urns. Above them on the wall will be the portraits. I want to have the right furniture, so I am not in a hurry.
I’ll be like Imogen, and bide my time.