Monday, May 22, 2023

A Benefit of Baldness

I have been considering Neville in connection with his recent shave. He of course had the usual reaction: finding warm cat-beds and soft blanket-beds on which to snooze, feeling the air to be cooler than it was, despite the current warm temperatures. But just a week after the trimming, this reaction is fading, as I knew it would.

But there is another reaction I have found. Neville wanted on my lap one day following his shave. I responded with plenty of the face- and chin-rubs that he loves, but also by petting and stroking him down his now smooth and nearly bare back and sides. He purred most of the time, and stayed for half an hour, which is an extraordinarily long time for him.

I started thinking that he must have felt my hands on his body to a greater degree then than when his coat was long and thick. His hair grows in very dense; it is coarse, as well. It must insulate him not only from cold, but from touch; a human’s hands running along such a coat must feel like little more than a slight pressure, and a slight pressure on fur that is almost hard; surely not an appealing sensation. It’s my belief that Nev finds greater pleasure in contact when his hair is short, when he is in fact almost bald.

My decision, then, is to have him shaved every two to three months, no less than quarterly, in order to keep his hair short. This frequency will allow for a greater ease in the operation, too. The disadvantage is that the Nevsky might feel the cold in the dark months. But the Cosy Apartment is so named with good reason. Though I like the fresh air in autumn and winter, I keep in mind the beasts’ comfort, especially that of the oldsters. I will provide more and warmer spots for Neville to lie, though I suspect that he won’t use them. In any case, I think the compensation of the comfort that comes with the shorter hair will be worth it. And if I am wrong, then it will be only a matter of weeks before his hair is once again as thick as any other cats’.

But I expect that Neville will be grateful for the continually short hair. He just won’t express it.


  1. That's a great observation about Neville being able to enjoy petting more when he's shaved. He looks pretty darn content in that photo.

  2. Neville looks so cool with his suede body ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Nev does look happy and relaxed in the bottom picture, so I think your idea to keep his fur trimmed is a good one. And as you said, if he seems to prefer long hair, you can always let it grow back in.

  4. Bless him..!x I'm sure you'll find a use for
    all that shaved off fur..HeHe! Or perhaps
    not..! :).

  5. I think Neville will somehow love that he'll feel all the petting and rubs so much better. And the mats won't be happening that way, either.

  6. Neville looks very content. That second photo, with his tongue peeking out, is too sweet for words. :-)

  7. neville yoo r berry hansum wif your haircut

  8. I am sure you are right, and Nev not only feels more comfortable but can enjoy your touch too.

  9. There is a happy and content cat. I'm sure the both of you enjoy the extended lap time.
