Sunday, May 28, 2023

Beware the Lump

As readers may know, Imogen likes to snooze under the bedclothes – under the comforter, under the bedspread or blanket, even under the sheets. Renn is considerate and tries to step around her, not always with success, while Percival usually just trundles over her, regardless of protest. Yesterday, it was Neville’s turn.

He was walking across the bed when he stepped on the edge of the Lump. The Lump hissed and the look on Nev’s face was akin to a caveman hearing a voice from a radio’s speaker. He stared at the Lump for several seconds, then retreated, as though to ponder how to address this astounding situation. He eventually lie down again, figuring that the effort to circumvent this strange obstacle was not worth the candle.

I think this demonstrates that sometimes, a cat’s behaviour is as odd to other cats as it is to us – especially when they become the Lump.


  1. We can understand how Nev was surprised by that hissing lump! Better just to lie back down.

  2. I would have liked to have seen Neville's face, though I confess that I would have laughed. 😁

  3. Poor Neville. "Hey, human! Your bed just hissed at me!"

  4. Usually the noise comes from a new squeaky toy, not a warm lump. Hope Neville has no nightmares from this, especially on the bed.

  5. Poor Nev - It must have been quite a shock to have the "lump" hiss at him. And poor Imogen - She must have been rudely awakened by Nev stepping on her. Well, I'm sure they'll forgive each other in no time. Meanwhile, we can have a good laugh at their high jinks.

  6. That's funny! I'm sure Neville was shocked but a nap took precedence. Imogen couldn't have been too upset as she stayed put after the hiss too.

  7. That did make me laugh! It is not every day you get hissed at by a lump!

    1. Nope--- and that comment made me laugh! Loved it.

  8. Lumps like that are pretty darn cute!

  9. Ah! Yes! But there ALL lovely lumps...HeHe! :).

  10. If you hide under a sheet one has to expect to be laid on or trodden on. In this house, we have lights on at night so me, a black cat, doesnt get trodden on whilst resting on the stairs or bedroom floor.
    It's a tough life but we make our own beds.

  11. A hissing lump! Oh me oh MY! One of those things that..if only there could have been a video! Loved it!
