Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Agility of a Cat...

While Dabney grows used to his new environment, the other beasts carry on as normal, aware, though, that a stranger is in their midst and that they will have to instruct him in how to be an insider-cat once more. I will be counting on them, though it may be well for Dabs not to learn everything they have to teach him.

Take Percival, for instance. My big-headed fellow is loveable and playful. And clumsy. His awkwardness appears to come from having no sense of his immediate surroundings. He will jump for a string-toy and forget that he jumped from the edge of a couch, an edge that has seemingly moved in the course of his jump. He will watch the outside from a window, unaware that a slight roll to one side will throw him off his perch. I’ve observed him snoozing on top of a cat-tree; he turned in his sleep and dropped with a thud to the next platform. He shook his head and returned to his nap. He was at the kitchen window, standing on his hind legs to view the outside from the ledge under the pane. He adjusted his stance, slipped off the ledge, and descended perfectly upright to the floor, like a fireman sliding down a ladder without touching the rungs.

Such is the mentor Dabney will soon have.

Maybe I should find him a new foster-home…


  1. Hahaha, as if Percy's ineptitude will be learned by Dab!

  2. I know l should'nt laugh, but l did have
    a little chuckle...What fun...! :) Bless!x
    AND NO...! You should'nt find him a new
    foster home...He's lovely, and just expressing
    himself in his own way...if l have difficulty in
    sleeping, l go to the edge of the bed...where
    l soon drop off....! HeHe! :O).

  3. Ha! I laughed too! Well, you'll just have to wait and see what Dabney learns. LOL. (Derry learned a thing or two from Nicki that I wish he hadn't!)

  4. Percival has heard the old saying "you can't walk and chew gum at the same time". Lets hope Dabney is a bit more coordinated.

  5. He should, at least, provide the newcomer with some entertainment. :)

  6. Does he walk in a straight line so to speak...(when he must) without a problem? I wonder if there is a sense of balance issue going on.

  7. I got quite a laugh reading about Percy. And here I thought cats were supposed to land on all four paws!

  8. Oh my goodness, Percival has quite the athletic abilities. To plunge from one cat tree shelf to another without barely a moment awake is an amazing feat.

  9. Of course Percy would tell you "I meant to do that."

  10. Maybe Percival never had much learning about balancing ans suchlike...but he seems to take it all in stride!
    Dabs will have to decide if that is good cat action or not, LOL!

  11. Awww clumsy Mr Percy. Please give him a pat from us.
