Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Toys and Time

I think Dabney’s transition to his new life will be a bit more attenuated than had been Percival’s or Imogen’s. His integration with the other cats may go well but I have a feeling that he will need more time to grow accustomed to indoor life.

He was out in the apartment over the weekend. Three of the other beasts were in the bedroom, the door of which I closed, and Neville was at the top of the taller cat-tree in the sitting room. Dabs had good look around, sniffing a great deal. All cats use their nose extensively, of course, but some are more obvious about it. Renn is one, and it looks like Dabney is another. He growled at some objects, scenting the others on various items; he was about to go into the nylon tunnel, but the olfactory presence of his predecessors was a bit too strong for him yet.

Instead, he discovered the denim Kick-a-roo and seemed to find enjoyment in that. He, unlike some cats I’ve fostered, at least recognised what the toy’s name signified.

Nev chose this time to come and have a bite to eat at the hard-food bowls. I was ready for problems, but the Nevsky, predictably, ignored the newcomer, while Dabney growled a bit, though he must have sensed that the oldster was little threat. The growl was perfunctory and of short duration. That is a good sign.

Dabney doesn’t care for me yet. He will tolerate me petting him, and I can briefly pick him up - to move him, not to hold him - but he has warned me off more than once. Yet he has also lie down for extended periods next to me in the library. Our relationship may be less straightforward than others I’ve had recently.

Nonetheless, indications are positive, even if the progress made is slow. That’s all right: time is on our side.


  1. Looks like he has the right idea...
    Enjoying himself around the place, and sticking
    his nose into everything...and after all that exercise,
    a little nap is called for...Job done...! :)x

  2. He certainly had a human at some point, if he knows what cat toys are for. It might take awhile for him to trust other cats, particularly if he was excluded when outdoors. You seem to be able to work wonders with your fosters, so I know Dabney has all the time he needs.

  3. He is so slender and svelte! I agree with Kea...he must have had a human if he knows about toys. I am glad he just made a "Hey, I'm expected to do this" type growl at Neville.

  4. I wonder if he had some sort of bad experience with a human when he was on the streets, which may explain why he seems both highly socialized and very wary. Still, you're obviously making great progress with him!

  5. I love the bottom picture of Dabney. As the above comments stated, I'm sure with a little love and patience, he will learn to enjoy his time at the Cosy Apartment. But since his interactions with other cats was not favorable, it may take time for him to get used to Renn, Neville, Percy and Imogen.

  6. He's one lean boy. Look at those bony haunches! He'll soon fill out.
    And fill in play time from the look of things.

  7. At least he isn't being hostile. A few growls here and there are to be expected, but as you say, he has all the time he needs.

  8. Dabney time to let your guard down and find out you're safe and secure and loved!

  9. It's a whole new world for him from outside to inside, it's bound to take a little more time.

  10. Tincture of time cures many things!

    I love how he knew exactly what to to with that kicker toy!

  11. He's doing great. Thank you for caring for this wee lad.

  12. My Silver was similar in that she disliked being held but liked to lie beside me on the arm of the couch. I could pet her, my children not so much, and though she loved Sasha, the other cats were tolerated so long as they didn't come to close.
    It's great Dabney is able to be out for a bit in the apartment. Hopefully he gets over his stranger danger moments soon.
