Thursday, May 18, 2023

Meet Dabney

This is Dabney. He’s been hanging about the community-cat colony at my work-place, as had Percival. Oddly, unlike Perce, with whom the ferals had no problem, Dabney was unwelcome there. Growls and warnings greeted him whenever he tried to have some of the food set out for the colony.

But he is not feral, nor is he neutered. And he had a gouge in his shoulder when I last saw him. I have been trying to capture him for a while but, as with a number of cats I have my sights set on, he came only irregularly. I took to keeping a carrier at work; I didn’t try a trap, as I knew Dabney was socialised. I saw him this morning; he was hungry and I knew this was my chance. I tempted him into the carrier with a dish of food and closed the door on his rear end when he went in.

I hope to have his surgery done today or tomorrow, after which he will come back to stay with me.


  1. Dabney, your life just took an amazing turn for the better, as Dr. John and The Cosy Apartment are the stepping stone to your new life.
    Concats, John, on your patience and perseverance.

  2. YES! Dabney you must fortunate of mancats...thank your lucky stars!

  3. Welcome Dabney! You'll soon learn that you have found a most marvelous home.

  4. It's always great to hear that a cat has found a home! I wonder why the poor fellow was so unpopular with the colony?

    1. I should qualify the last statement in the blog; Dabney will, if found suitable - and I can’t think why he won’t be - be put up for adoption. But he will stay with me until he is adopted.

      As for his unpopularity, I can’t figure that out. Percival was unfixed at the time, yet the ferals moved around him without concern. That’s why I believed he would do so well in a home, which he has. What it is about Dabney that is different, I don’t know. But the ferals’ reactions to Dabney kept him away from the crowd, which assisted his capture. I hope Dabs doesn’t inspire hostility at my place…

  5. I am glad you rescued him and I know you will find a forever home for him.

  6. Ah! Bless the little fella...He's certainly fallen
    on his feet...sorry...paws...
    Well done John..Well done...!

  7. Well done! I hope the surgery goes without a hitch and that there's not too much strife at the Cosy Apartment when you bring him home. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of him; you know I have a soft spot for grey tabbies. :-)

  8. Well done on your patience. I hope once he is neutered he settles in well with the others, and will find a forever home before too long.

  9. How great it is you could catch Dabney. Hope all goes well with the neuter and recovery.

  10. Thank you for rescuing Dabney. We look forward to hearing more about him.

  11. Oh, this is such great news! Dabney, your life has just changed for the better. Welcome to the Cosy Apartment! I hope all goes well with his surgery. Please keep us posted.

  12. He is quite the handsome dude and he looks like he could almost be our Kiki's brother.


  13. AWWWW cute Dabney! I'll be looking forward to hearing about his new adventures! You are AWESOME for taking him in!

  14. Dabney has scored the first day of the rest of his (much better) life!! Thanks for persisting and getting him inside.
