Friday, May 26, 2023

The Call of the Wild

Not all cats are interested in bird-watching. Neville doesn’t care about our winged neighbours, and Percival will watch if he’s not busy. Imogen is a cat who likes observing birds. More than that, she will scurry up to the window if she sees them, combining haste and what I’m sure she believes is stealth. Well, she’s sneakier than Tucker used to be, at any rate.

But more than that, Imogen has learned to discern her preferred avian species from what she considers the more mundane. This evening she was comfortably curled in her favourite spot, the cylinder-house of the cylinder-house cat-tree. There had been birds chirping earlier, a sound that had caught Imo’s attention, but not enticed her to the window. Then, she heard the rusted-metal cry of a specific kind of bird. In a second, she had dropped to the floor and was running silently to the screen of the open glass door in the sitting room.

Most indoor animals are intrigued to various extents by the great outdoors. But not every one can distinguish one call of the wild from another.


  1. I always knew Imogen was one smart cat!

  2. She's good! What kind of bird was it? A jay or grackle? Something else? Maybe she needs some kitty binoculars to aid her bird-watching. 🙃

    1. Yes, I think it was a grackle, but there's nothing about her eyesight that requires binoculars - though she might like them just for the prestige of having them.

    2. BUT! Remember, Katie has a quizzing glass and would not enjoy another girlcat with one. So, binoculars would be best OR opera glasses! Yes. Opera glasses.

  3. She does seem quite savvy! To me a Blue Jay has that type of sound. Do you know who it was that was calling Imogen ? Was it a black bird of some sort? I have heard a call like that and can't remember who it was.

    1. I believe it was a grackle. They are common here and their movements on the ground provide quite a bit of interest for my beasts.

  4. As an avid bird watcher, I'm pleased to know Imogen has learned her birds by song now. It helps seek and find the right ones.

  5. I'm impressed! Not all cats are that discerning in their bird-watching.

  6. I agree, Imogen is a smart cat to know the difference. Does she vocalize too? Saku will make a noise in his throat - I call it chittering as it is a bit high pitched, not a squeak but a sharp sound. He doesn't do it often, but he does seem to enjoy watching the birds from his cat tree. They pay him no mind.

    1. Yes, she chatters a bit. Most of my cats have, though each in his own way. Tucker's was silent, which amused me.

  7. Imogen sounds like she is true Bird TV aficionado!
