Monday, May 15, 2023

Was He Kidding?

Most of the time, my cats don’t pay attention to what is displayed on my computer’s monitor screen. This weekend, however, presented something different. One of the blogs I read habitually is Strange Company (, which features tales of the weird, the inexplicable, the macabre. Fridays, it has a ‘link dump’, with a couple dozen links to articles that can pretty much provide something for everyone, as well as a video. Often, the latter is of a musical performance. This past Friday was different, and it caught Renn’s eyes and ears.

What was it that interested my big boy so? It was a baby goat stampede!

Renn watched these fascinating creatures for several minutes, as they ran, sprang and bleated in gladness. I can imagine what he was thinking, too.

“Kids these days…”


  1. I'm glad I was able to provide Renn with a little entertainment!

  2. I can certainly understand why Renn was so enthralled by the goats. I would be too. They're fun to watch and they're such fascinating creatures.

    1. I love seeing them. I guess I ought to search for them on utube.

    2. Check out Sunflower Farm Creamery's YouTube channel. They have a lot of great videos of their goats. (And, occasionally, their cats.)

  3. Ha! Apparently that was a great tv program to watch!

  4. Goats are fascinating to watch! I can see why Renn was so interested.

  5. Maybe you could find him some youtube goat videos to watch. :)

  6. Maybe you should get him a baby goat!

  7. LOL! Saku used to chase pucks on the hockey games when he was little. Sami and Sasha were always fascinated by the bird videos. But I can't say any of the cats paid attention to goats...though perhaps they never saw any.

  8. Whoa! Lots of thundering hooves to capture Renn's attention!

    I sure have missed a lot of posts...I did read through them all. Nice that your sleep time is much quieter now...

  9. I always wonder what cats think of the screens we watch.

  10. Reminds me of my first pussy~cat on my return
    to this country back in 73...
    Darlinga used to love watching the snooker......
    Sat in front the TV...every time a ball was potted,
    she would go around the back of the try and
    find were the ball had gone..of course she never
    found the ball..but..still continue to look for it..! :O).

  11. Is Renn thinking about some good goat milk for breakfast now? And do I remember in the recent past one of the other boarders watching a bit of nature on the screen? Maybe Hector or Horace? Renn has good taste in shows.

    1. You may be thinking of Zofia; she liked to chase the cursor on the screen, and would watch various action programmes.

    2. She was a delight. I knew it was one of the recents.


  12. Annabelle loves it when I play the kitten videos on IG. You just never know what will attract them.
