Monday, June 10, 2024

Cats Are the Mother of Invention

Renn is will finish his anti-biotic tomorrow. It appears to have helped him with his infection; he is back to wetting adequate amounts readily, without sitting in the litter-box for minutes, and there is no blood in his urine. The situation has been aided by a small increase in his dosage of anti-inflammatory medicine.

But the anti-biotic reduced his stools to near-liquid, and made him feel poorly, decreasing his appetite, among other things. This was bad in itself, of course, but also diminished the ability to give him his medicine in the first place, since it was provided with his food. Upon speaking with someone at the veterinary hospital, it was suggested that I introduce pro-biotic to Renn’s food, something I should have thought of priorly. I had some in stock, and the advice was followed, but my big boy still didn’t eat much of his meal. After all, if he doesn’t feel like eating, why and how would he eat the cure that was put into his food?

For some reason, I thought of a soup that I have for cats. I knew from previous use that no one really ate the shredded chicken that came with the broth – which is a waste but was not about to change – but liked the broth. So I mixed the powdered pro-biotic with the broth. Then, I thought, why not add the anti-biotic while I’m at it? It is largely flavourless, so if Renn will eat the pro-biotic soup, he will consume the anti-biotic with it.

This is what in fact occurred. My oldster licks the bowl clean. I give him only a small amount of broth, as I want it all gone, and the smaller amount assures that the pro-biotic and the anti-biotic are concentrated in what is consumed. I don’t know whether it is the taste of the broth or the pro-biotic that Renn likes, but he eats it all.

His stools are firmer now and his appetite has returned. His litter-box visits remain satisfactory. There is only another day of anti-biotic medicine to go, and my big boy is doing well.


  1. This is terrific news. My boys loved the broth in the Cats in the Kitchen products. They're not cheap, but they're worth it, IMO. I'm glad you found a good solution for Renn!

  2. Convenient that you had the soup handy. Good news for Renn getting down the needed medicine and you see a difference already. Paws crossed for more of this.

  3. Yay for a good outcome! We all want our furbabies to feel well :)

  4. I'm so happy to hear that Renn has improved. Stay well, Renn!!

  5. I am glad adding the probiotic and antibiotic worked and is showing results.

  6. I'm sorry Renn has been feeling poorly but it sounds like you have him on the mend now.
    Thank you for stopping by and leaving me support for the loss of my beloved Boo. Your words meant more than I could ever possibly convey and helping me to remember my girl who was so special to my heart. Thank you.

  7. Soup for cats! I didn't even know that existed. How wonderful that it did the trick for Renn.

  8. Great news! I'm glad to hear that Renn is feeling some better. The soup sounds like a good way to get the meds and pro-biotic into him.

  9. Never heard of soup for cats, but it is good that Renn liked it mixed with the probiotic and .antibiotic

  10. He's a good boy taking his medicines, and tasty soup sounds good.

  11. Antibiotics are notorious for causing digestive issues...
    Glad the solution was found!

    Good boy, Renn, lap it all up!

  12. Solving the mystery of 'what will my cat eat so he gets his meds?' is always such a thrill!
