Monday, June 17, 2024

Waiting on the Results

Indigo did very well on her second trip to the veterinary hospital. I used a different tactic to capture her this time. While she was lying beside me, I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, giving us a small, confined space to work in. Then, I brought the carrier and inserted her into it backward. She protested but did not fight.

At the hospital, more blood was taken, as well as a urine sample, and she was given a micro-chip, something that was forgotten on her last visit (even though she was scanned for a previous chip!) She behaved well.

Now, Indie is back home in the library. She didn’t immediately hide, and accepted some treats as a reward for being such a good cat. The results of her new tests will come probably by the end of the week, and we will know if she is diabetic. Paws crossed that she is not.


  1. At least she was well behaved and I hope the test results are not too bad in fact good would be better but only time will tell

  2. What a cute little face! Prayers for good news from the tests.

  3. I will cross everything that she's not diabetic, John

  4. Good luck sweetie and hooray for a fairly easy Vet visit.

  5. I'm so glad that things went well with Indie's vet visit. Here's hoping her blood work will be OK. I'll be anxious to hear the results of her tests.

  6. Indie is beautiful. Praying she is healthy.

  7. She looks a lovely girl. Fingers crossed for her.

  8. Great how you manage to carefully and calmly get her into the carry box. Certainly do hope the blood test come back just absolutely normal. She definitely looks like she's very content in this photo.

  9. we haz 984 pawz crozzed heer in TT for ewe indie 💙💖😺

  10. I am glad the vet visit went well and hope the results come back at a better level.

  11. I got here late and hovered the results in your last posting. I am so sorry that you and Indigo will be going through this. It must be at the beginning stages. Thank goodness that it hasn't advanced farther...if I am correct in that assumption. Hugs for you Indigo.
