Sunday, June 23, 2024

Indie the Owl

Indigo seems back to normal. Yesterday when I woke, she was still tucked away in her cubby-hole between two bookcases. This morning, though, Indie was at the library’s threshold, and she complained until I brought her breakfast. As well, she spent some of last night’s movie lying next to me on the couch.

And I found the sensor: note the tooth-marks. I watched her reaction to it when it was on her back, and could see that her tongue could reach it, but I didn’t think her teeth could, as it was just out of her range. Apparently, she shares a trait with owls, and can turn her head 180 degrees – handy for reaching that pesky sensor that humans think is safe.


  1. Boy howdy, she really did a number on that thing. Yeah, at times cats can act like they're made of rubber.

  2. It seems Indie felt that if the humans weren't going to remove the sensor she would do it herself. As the saying goes - If you want something done right...

  3. Well they do say cats have liquid bones. After seeing the sensor how can I doubt it?

  4. Removing that was sure her DIY project.

  5. indie...bee tween ewe N me eye woodz pulled that dee vize off two...heerz hopin that dadz new plan werkz....ore may bee, could it
    go on two a collar, ore iz that two far frum de skin ???♥♥

    1. Unfortunately, the sensor must be attached the skin, because there is a tiny needle on its under-side that must poke into the skin, and into the fat layer just beneath.

  6. She must have been determined to get it off her body.

  7. She gives new meaning to " night owl". Of course we know you need to keep her insulin levels correct and we certainly hope that works well

  8. She definitely wanted rid of that sensor. Glad to hear she's back to normal. What a sweet girl!

  9. OH dear. I didn't see this one for some unknown reason. Maybe I came by before it was posted. You didn't mention upset, hers, in this, I must have not seen yet another post.
