Saturday, June 15, 2024

Nonchalance May Be the Key

Indigo still isn’t comfortable around other cats, but she is progressing, slowly. I think that Brazil will be the key to her integration in that regard. Given Shimmer’s relations with Imogen, one might be hesitant to use him as a strange world’s envoy to a newcomer. But how he interacts with Imo is, I believe (and hope) unique. He is quite different toward Indigo. He watches her and then moves away. As may be seen here, Indie is not alarmed by Brazil’s presence. She hissed at him, then turned her attention toward water. While my oldsters would show Indigo that other felines mean her no harm (Imogen excepted), they aren’t good examples of actual interaction, while Brazil is. Therefore, the weighty duty of bringing Indigo into other cats’ lives appears, for now, to rest on his shoulders.

In other news, following my exposition of the mystery of the water-bowl, I believe that Possumlady and Jackie, from Memories of Eric and Flynn, are correct in their theories. Larger birds, specifically crows, may be the ones depositing food, probably unwillingly, in the outside water-bowl, when they stop for a drink. I have noticed this fellow hanging about, and even drinking (sans food) from the bowl. But where he finds chunks of cooked meat, bread, and even toast, remains unknown. Some human must be missing substantial parts of his meals…


  1. Brazil is Mr. Congeniality. :)

  2. Goodness John, there is certainly a lot going on in the Cozy Apartment. I do hope Indigo's numbers aren't as high on her next visit to the vet. Perhaps she and Brazil will find a way to be friendly, if not friends.

  3. Who would have thought Brazil would become an ambassador?

  4. Brazil has an important role to play, and I hope he succeeds in integrating Indigo with the others.
    Seeing the crow in the second photo, they are scavengers and I wouldn't mind betting that he is leaving the "gifts".

  5. It sounds like good news for Indigo and Brazil. Would be nice if they got along well together and had someone to play with period and boy, are crows something else. Super intelligent and at the same time rather a pest.

  6. Brazil as the hero of the day? At least not the villain in this instance, please. 😁

  7. Brazil the diplomat. The mind reels. As for those mysterious bits of food you're finding, the crows are a pretty plausible source, especially if you have a restaurant nearby. The crows like to forage for food in the trash these places put out.

  8. How in the world am I missing these other blogs??? But I see I am! I would not like to have to watch for deposit of food, especially meat in the water dishes. Extra work. But, it is, as they say, what it is. I agree with everyone else..probably crows.
