Tuesday, June 4, 2024

What Goes On

Do you ever wonder what the cats get up to while you sleep? Sometimes I hear Brazil rushing about in the dark, though he usually sleeps the same hours as I do. Yet this morning, I woke to see the ratty, fuzzy, orange octopus on a volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, on my dining table. The book I placed there in the evening. I’ve no idea how the ratty, fuzzy, orange octopus arrived, or why it was placed where it was.

It’s probably best not to think too much about what happens while you are asleep. It’ll keep you up nights.


  1. Ha! I agree, it's best not to know what they get up to, and why. Could we mere humans ever fully grasp their advanced reasoning anyway?

  2. I guess the octopus wanted to learn something. :)

  3. Too bad this isn't "Sound-a-Comment". You'd hear me laughing. At the blog and especially your very last line! Thanks for the laughter!

  4. We have security cameras that capture all the fun times!

  5. Actually, John...your place is haunted.

  6. My Willow has a toy mouse that she carries around and I never know where the mouse will turn up. Many times I've found it in my bed in the morning.

  7. Awww...someone brought you a present. :)

  8. Obviously, one of the cats wanted to look up the "octopus" entry to find out if they can really be orange...

  9. Me thinks someone is trying to tell you something but what that would be us anyone's guess

  10. You need a couple of cameras set up.

  11. Like Undine, I wondered which volume of the encyclopedia it was.
