Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Infiltrator

Lying on top of a bookcase may have been just the first step in Imogen’s infiltration of the sitting room. Since she has started lying on her new spot, she has shown a more exploratory attitude. I can’t remember the last time she was so far into the sitting room, or spent as much time there. The reason is Brazil, of course: Imo was afraid that she would become trapped or, worse, pounced on, by Shimmer.

From what I can tell, she is still beset by that fear, yet it doesn’t seem any longer to be preventing her from going into the sitting room, at least to some distance. I am glad of this, because I don’t like to see any of my cats restricted in their movements within the apartment. How far these latest movements will progress is unknown. But so far, they are in the right direction.


  1. Keep expanding those horizons, Imogen!

  2. That is very good news that she is inclined to explore more. I hope Brazil will leave her alone.

  3. Good for Imogen. She's learning not to let some upstart keep away from the good life. Your first photo was a bit of an optical illusion, as it appeared Imo was stuck to the wall with nothing under her, lol. But I see it is a ledge around.

  4. She is feeling braver and more at ease by the sound of it

  5. A little bit of progress, no matter how small, it a great thing sweet girl!

  6. She looks quite comfortable in the pictures. Obviously she's feeling more at home.

  7. I hope this continues...I would like her to be fully integrated.

  8. Good for her. It seems she's becoming more comfortable out and about. Having more places to relax or keep watch is a great step forward.
