Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Sudden Worry, Eventual Relief

I had to take Renn to the veterinary hospital late yesterday afternoon. He had been visiting the litter-boxes and, despite staying for ten-minute stretches, was not producing anything. I feared that he might be blocked, especially with his history of bladder problems. I called the hospital and was told to bring him in.

The mass that had been evident in Renn’s bladder at one time is back, but the doctor still does not believe it to be a tumour. She stated that it did not feel hard, but had a feel of tissue. Nor was it near the usual spot for a bladder-tumour; this is the same characteristic it had when it had appeared on Renn’s first ultra-sound examination. But there was an infection present, and it might be connected to the mass. Upon applying pressure, a veterinary technician was able to release Renn’s pent-up urine; initially some blood came out with it. It may be that that had been blocking the urine.

In addition to increasing my big boy’s anti-inflammatory dosage a little – at least temporarily – I am giving him anti-biotics. They appear to be largely tasteless, as I have been crushing the tablets and adding them to his soft-food. The Recovery that he eats is very soft and is perfect for hiding powdered medicine. Renn has consumed it without a problem. I am following him to the litter-box whenever I can, and have so far seen good, clean results in the way of urine; he is having no trouble wetting this morning, and leaves no sign of blood, nor is he showing signs of having to go too frequently.

A good and surprising development is that Renn has gained nine tenths of a pound, since he was last weighed.

I must mention the positive response I received from the veterinary hospital. I called at 4.30 yesterday. They close at 5.30 and I was told that there were no openings. I then heard some discussion in the background, and Renn’s name mentioned. I was instructed to bring him in. I learned later that Renn’s doctor had finished her last appointment when she overheard Renn’s name in the telephone conversation. She stayed late so that I could bring my big boy in; in fact, because I had to come by taxi, she had to wait half an hour before I even arrived. I believe the technicians remained later than usual to run Renn’s blood through some tests. I am very grateful to everyone there.


  1. That was fantastic service and care by Renn's vet and the techs. I'm impressed, frankly, given the state of animal (and human) health care these days. I'm glad Renn is doing well today, please give him a cuddle from me. ❤️

  2. I guess this is fortunate timing that you are on vacation to get Renn in and examined and then stay home to keep an eye on. How nice and thoughtful this team was at the vet hospital for seeing you late in the day. He could not have gone on long with out emptying his bladder. I do hope the meds relieve his problem for a long while.

  3. That is a wonderful surprise that Renn gained that much weight, That was significant. And the Dr.'s office was so good to you and Renn. I appreciated reading that. Is grateful Renn is doing better.

  4. That sounds like you have a really good veterinary office. I'm sorry to hear that mysterious mass is back, though.

  5. I'm glad he's doing okay and that's wonderful care from the Vet and the Tech Team.

  6. Oh poor Renn! I'm so sorry to hear he's "under the weather," but you mentioned that he had improved overnight, so that's good news. Hopefully this improvement will continue. I must compliment your vet and her staff. They are obviously very caring people and very concerned about their patients. Get well soon, Renn!

  7. Good thing you saw Renn had a problem and dealt with it right away. That was nice of the vet and staff to work late. I can see why though, everyone loves him.

  8. You are fortunate to have a very caring veterinary team. I am glad that easing the pressure on his bladder is enabling him to pass his urine again.

  9. Sorry to read about Renn's bladder problems but at least they don't think it's a tumor, how good of the doctor and technicians to stay back to treat Renn.

  10. Purrayers and Power of the Paw for Renn . So glad you were able to get him in to the vet !

  11. That's a vet clinic that provides very good service, somewhat unusual it seems. They must know you and your cats well, and care about them too. Glad Renn had some relief and I hope the anti-biotics do their job.

  12. dood….sorree ya had trubullz buddy tho glad yur doin aye oh kay. az all wayz, st francis blessingz two ewe, N tell dad ta look in two “D mannose” for cats, eye had three izzuez like thiz when eye waz knot even 4 monthz oh age, eye now take it day lee with me wet food….knockin on wood and tozzin salt….noe izzuez sinze 💙🐟😺‼️
