Sunday, June 30, 2024

Giving Me a Hard Time

I am still trying to get Indigo used to her insulin injections. It’s not easy giving them to her. Despite enjoying my company from time to time, she likes to be alone, and her favourite spot is a very small space between two bookcases in the library. At other times, she will confine herself to a corner. In each instance, it is difficult, physically, to inject her.

As well, she does not like her skin handled, pulled, tented or picked. Whatever it is called, it is necessary to put a needle into her. When I am able to inject her, I have found stroking her head to be a calming and distracting action. This, however, leaves me a hand short: one to pet her, one to hold the insulin ‘pen’, and one to hold her skin up so that the needle stays in.

Indie’s treatment is a work in progress…


  1. "As well, she does not like her skin handled, pulled, tented or picked."

    I can't say I blame her. Sigh. Hopefully, she'll get used to it soon.

  2. I think we humans would have been better off designed with 3 hands most of the time. So much easier for so many things, even this must do job of stabbing the poor girl with needles, lol. Hope she can get used to getting the shots soon.

  3. dad kneadz four pawz like ewe Indie ♥♥ hope full lee him can figurez thiz out !! ~~~

  4. I have always felt that two hands are simply not enough. Here's hoping that Indie will soon get used to her insulin injections.

  5. She doesn't like needles like many humans and have known some humans try to hide when it comes time for a needle hopefully in time she will get use to them

  6. Hopefully she'll realize it helps her feel better.

  7. She's not making it easy for either of you. Though I have no doubt, with your level of patience, she'll soon become accustomed to your ministrations.

    1. I could have used four hands with the cats, never mind three. It's not always easy to manage on one's own. I hope you find a workable solution!

  8. I dislike needles too so understand her reluctance. I hope she soon gets used to it.

  9. Boy, you are absolutely the best there is in helping cats! I would not be as calm about it, that is for certain. I get too concerned- to the point of being unhelpful.

  10. Is she treat motivated? It may soften the jab experience.
    It is harder with a cat that does not like needles though :(
    Purrs Winnie and mum

  11. Cats are wonderful individuals, and are as stubborn as heck to boot.
    Happy Canada Day!
