Monday, June 3, 2024

The New Toy

It’s funny about cats and cat-toys. Some of the latter are enjoyed by some felines, others are not. This is a new one: it is a length of plastic cord on a slender wooden stick. For my liking, the piece of plastic is neither long enough nor flexible enough. Brazil initially found it a bit frightening and, eventually, just uninteresting. Yet Imogen likes it. She spent a whole play-session wrestling and chasing it.

Each cat is such an individual. Their personalities are as separate from each other’s as humans’ are. But I think it’s interesting that two can have such different reactions to such a simple toy.


  1. There's something for everyone, I guess!

  2. It's nice to see her playing! All mine were different in their toy preferences too. Just like us, really. πŸ™ƒ

  3. Yes I think each animal is different not just cats, they all have their own personalities.

  4. I think they do this to keep us guessing. Enjoy the toy, Imogen!

  5. Each cat is an individual with different personalities and likes and dislikes. That is why cats are so fascinating.

  6. What fun and it's always interesting to see what kitties do with something new.

  7. Most cats enjoy the packaging more than the toys.

  8. All cats are different. Flynn loved most toys but Eric wasn't interested. Get a piece of baler twine though and he would have a wonderful time chasing it!

  9. I hope she likes it for a long time. It's difficult to find a toy for the cat that lives here, but she loves her frog on a stick which is similar to what Imogen is playing with.

  10. One of the many cat purrsonality quirks that fascinate humans.

  11. thiz iz just like a fizhin polez 😺‼️πŸŸπŸ’™ awesum 😺😺

  12. You! We cats have different tastes just like humans ;)
    I also like that toy!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Purrs Winnie

  13. Oh it's good to see her playing like that. And sometimes as you already knew...the most simple of things make a wonderful toy!
