Friday, June 21, 2024

My Cyborg

Indigo took another trip to the veterinary hospital today, and had her blood-glucose sensor fixed to her body. She has been licking at it, but that may just be the unfamiliarity of it, and not discomfort. She has so far not been more aggressive in trying to take it off.

The first reading was of 19.7, which is very high. The doctor initially – before the sensor – suggested a small dose of two units of insulin, twice a day. This may be far too low (prescribed simply because it would be too low to cause harm at a time when there was no reading of her numbers being done) but I will continue to see what effect it has on Indie’s numbers. She is most likely unaccustomed to receiving insulin, so it may have a greater effect than two units would on someone else. Nonetheless, I suspect I will have to raise the dosage.

Now, though, I have two weeks to assess the situation. This should give me a good idea of how to treat my new guest. I may also attempt to take blood from her ear in that period, so that she is used to it when I actually need it to provide results.


  1. It may take awhile to figure out the correct amount of insulin Indie needs, but I know she is receiving the best care possible.

  2. Awww, I sure hope she will get her sugar levels under control.

  3. She is probably licking it because she wonders whatever is that on my side, and where did it come from! I am sure that between you and the vet you will get her numbers to a better level.

  4. Hopefully all of this will be quickly straightened out and she will be on the right dose of insulin. Good luck with all this.

  5. She's a good girl to tolerate all the trips to the vet and the poking and prodding. ❤️

    I hope sorting out her insulin is a relatively smooth process, not too many blips along the way.

  6. I know you'll figure out what the magic number is for her dose!

  7. hay ewe gorgeouz tuxie….wooda been kinda nice if they
    dinna shavez such a big spot on ya…ya noe…paw crozzed
    that yur numberz N stuff get ta werkin like they shuld πŸ’–πŸ˜ΌπŸŸ

  8. She does look like the "Six Million Dollar Cat." She must be thinking, "What are these humans up to now?..."

  9. Yeah, Indigo, that huge shaved spot wasn't necessary. BUT I am glad you have the sensor. That sure saves your dad some trouble though he is certainly wise in accustoming you to getting a spot of bloods from your little girl earsie.

  10. It's good Indigo isn't trying to remove the sensor, I don't like the big bad spot she now has and 19.7 is far too high although I have no idea what it should be in cats.
