Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Orange Introvert

A few days ago, Brazil threw up several times, and didn’t want much food. I wondered at the cause of this, of course; he had gone through a period of refusing to eat previously, but such behaviour is rare for him. Since he is healthy otherwise, I left him for a day and did not worry about it too much. He was, in fact, much improved the next day.

It occurred to me that this happened the day after Indigo’s unfortunate incident with the blood-glucose sensor. There was, if you recall, some screaming and wailing on Indie’s part, and I noticed at the time that Brazil was greatly affected by this, appearing nervous and even distraught. He is, in fact, unnerved by unusual noises, and even more normal ones that he doesn’t trust, such as strangers’ voices outside the apartment. Though he is getting better at dealing with these, he is still affected by them.

I think Shimmer is simply a very sensitive cat. While others will react to unwelcome stimuli, he will run and, if possible, hide, out of sight in most cases. I believe that his stomach upset was caused by Indigo’s ordeal, which reflected strongly upon him. In light of his character, this is not surprising. From now on, I will take this into account. My lean, orange introvert likes the quiet life.


  1. Ah! Bless!x Of course the pussy~cats are very
    close to each other, so, different things can, and
    do effect the others, or even one, no two pussy~cats
    are the same...Thankfully! each has his/her own
    character, that's what makes them so special...! :)

  2. Aw, Brazil, every kitty is different and many are sensitive souls. I'm glad it was just a one-day upset.

  3. Some cats just are naturally hyper-sensitive. I can imagine that poor Indie's battle with the sensor must have looked mighty scary to him.

  4. Poor Brazil! He does sound like a super-sensitive cat. Hopefully he'll soon realize that Indie's glucose sensor is nothing that he should be afraid of.

  5. I was gone most of the may recall where. So I missed this. Poor guy, and Indigo too. I hate bringing fright or pain to a cat however much it is something that has to be done for their sake. It is hard on the human and the cat.

  6. Somehow I have missed what happened regarding Indigo's glucose monitor...

  7. Aww, Brazil!
    It's all good now; relax, handsome.

  8. It does sound like Brazil is very sensitive. It must have looked very scary to him when Imo was swearing and attacking her sensor.

  9. Hmmm, Brazil/Precious, different color but other wise so similar.

  10. Brazil does sound like he is a sensitive cat and the whole thing with the sensor and Indigo's reaction to it would have been distressing for Brazil to witness

  11. Yes, I totally get it, our Simon is sensitive that way too.

  12. Poor Brazil, he surely does enjoy the peace and quiet best.
