Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Work in Idylland

Though I still have a few more days left to my holidays, and I am enjoying my time in Idylland, I am finished all the chores that I wanted to accomplish during my time off. These were larger chores, the sort that take several hours each, and thus would use up all of my free time if I were to perform them on an ordinary weekend. One can’t feel rested when one spends all of one’s time working on chores; completing them when one has three weeks off makes them seem less a burden.

The tasks I set for myself and completed included cleaning under the kitchen sink and lining that cabinet’s floor with tin foil (to catch drips, spills, etc); cleaning the refrigerator, cleaning the freezer, cleaning out my junk drawer (which took longer than many other tasks); washing and de-furring the six cat-trees; washing the floor and walls of the store-room, where two of the litter-boxes are (I wash the outside of the boxes and the store-room floor each week); cleaning the bathtub (I sterilise it with bleach once a week), and washing out all the litter-boxes. These were in addition to the routine cleaning of rooms. I was also able to trap and arrange for the neutering of a semi-feral cat a neighbour has been feeding, and I finished the bulk of the design and composition of the rescue-group’s 2025 calendar.

It’s a sign of how much I enjoy my holidays that I was able to put all that work in and still consider them by far the best period of my year. As I wrote at the beginning of this article, I still have a few more days left – and then the count-down starts to next year’s holidays!


  1. I got a bit exhausted reading about all those chores. I'm glad you still have enjoyed your visit to Idylland.

  2. Oh my gosh, you've been incredibly productive! Somehow it does seem a bit easier when one isn't trying to cram everything into the weekends. I hope you now have some time to relax before heading back to work next week!

  3. With all the work you've done on your holiday, it sounds like you're going to need another vacation by the time you're ready to return to work.

  4. You have worked very hard during your holidays and need another one to get over it!

  5. All this house work and still taking care of Renn and Indie problems too. You accomplished a mega ton of work cleaning. Glad it brought time for you at home though.

  6. Busy, busy, busy! You need to get back to work so you can rest up.

  7. Glad you got so much done, especially helping a kitty.

  8. You've had a very busy vacation. I'm sure the cats are much appreciative of your efforts, but are busily putting those efforts back to the state you found them. Your work on the calendar for the rescue is likely more satisfying.
    Glad you have a few days to rest and relax before going back to your countdown.

  9. Yup, all good things have to come to an end....including holiday time.

    I read the posts I missed and was disheartened to read about Indigo's diabetes. At least you have the knowledge and experience to help her get everything under control.

  10. Wll done sir, that is a good list of jobs well done. The roomies must have enjoyed having you at home all day.

  11. Admirable, John!
    It's time for a litterbox blitz here; all cleaned from stem to stern, and new litter.

  12. BOy, you worked. I make a time to do the onerous ones...junk drawer, under the sink, fridge by including the at a time, in the general day to day cleaning. The fridge is desperate- and calling me every DAY!
