Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Indigo's Surprise

Indigo went to the veterinary hospital for her initial examination. I was handed a surprise during the procedure: Indigo’s age is estimated to be about ten years!

I was thinking five at most but probably three. No, she’s a senior. Her teeth are very good for a cat of such an age, but nonetheless are those of an older feline. She also has cataracts developing, and the possibility of thyroid trouble in the future. But none of these are big problems right now, and she is in good condition for her suddenly advanced years. Those years explain her reluctance to play to any great extent.

Her heart and lungs are healthy. The little bumps on her head, near her ears, caused some puzzlement. The doctor does not believe they are dangerous; they may be akin to warts. Even so, I will keep my eyes on them. We also found the wound where Imogen had put her claw into Indigo’s scalp. That too I will have to watch, for signs of abscess.

All in all, though, Indie did well. She behaved well, also, giving the veterinary and her staff no difficulties, allowing herself to be carried about, poked and prodded.

Now, I have a middle-aged cat, who may not be as easy to place as one a few years younger. On the other hand, it makes me feel better that I have Indigo living with me, not having to forage or scavenge for food outside, less able to cope than a kid. Her appetite is good, her litter-box deposits excellent. She has her vaccinations and, for good measure, received de-worming medicine. The rest of her lifetime is open to her, and it appears promising.


  1. Boy, that was a surprise. I remember when you first got Indigo I commented that I thought she looked like a young cat. Shows you what I know!! :-) But the vet found her to be in good health and that's the important thing.

  2. Ah! Bless her..!x Ten years old, she's still
    a youngster...though it is difficult aging
    a cat, usually there all so alert and healthy
    looking...So...good news all round...! :)

  3. So glad to hear she had a wonderful check up. All's well for a 10 year old girl. That does sound like a bit of a surprise for you to see how old she is. She may end up finding a forever home, someone who would like a calm quiet Kitty who really does not want to race around all day.

  4. I echo Roberta that Indigo's age definitely is a surprise, but that the most important thing is that she's in good health. I'm also a bit surprised that she did so well while there, that she was calm and allowed all the poking and prodding. Good girl! I hope she got an extra treat or two when she got home. πŸ™‚

  5. I will be darned! I thought she was young too...and really at ten she's not that old. As you said, a middle-aged cat. Thank goodness she is in good health and her doctor's see her as having no problems! I hope the two girls can get along better. She must be really lively for you to think she was that young. Bless her.

  6. indie…glad yur chex up wented grate… N age …while it bee a sir prize..
    ta uz two….iz what…just a number and who likez math any way, rite ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’š

  7. I think we're all caught off guard by that one. Although, all that really matters is that she's in good health.

  8. Well that was a surprise! I am glad her examination went well and she is fit and healthy.

  9. So she is much older then you thought, she is aging well

  10. Goodness. But yes, we're glad she is with you too.
